NAS Chase Field

NAAS/NAS Chase Field

Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO).
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ATU-213 - 1958
Provided by Art Jorgensen
PHCS (Ret.)



Unknown ------ Beeville Municipal Airport

1943 - 1946 -- Beeville Naval Air Station (Leased - satellite field for NAS Corpus Christi)

1952 - 1993 -- NAAS/NAS Chase Field

ATU-203, ATU-213 & ATU-223 were departments in the NAATC command structure until August 1960.


David Weber

Art Jorgensen, PHCS (Ret.)

Commanding Officers

No info yet.


No info yet.

Base Tail ID

No info yet.

Hosted Units

No info yet


Unknown- - - Grumman F9F-8 Cougar

Unknown- - - Grumman F9F-8B Cougar

Unknown- - - Grumman F9F-8T Cougar


I was stationed at Naval Auxiliary Air Station (NAAS) Chase Field, Beeville, TX as my first duty station right out of boot camp in 1958. I was a non-designated Airman Apprentice when I was assigned to ATU-213 and worked in the Planning Office. We kept track of airframe and engine hours on large Plexiglas boards and downed A/C for scheduled inspections (checks).

We had not only F9F-8T’s but F9F-8B’s but also just F9F-8’s (straight eights). I believe we had a total of 89 A/C in ATU-213.

At the time the ATU’s were departments in the air station command structure.

Also on station were ATU-203 which flew F9’s and ATU-223 which had F11F Tigers. I am attaching a copy of my ATU-213 patch and two aerials of the air station. Beeville #2 has a flight of four ATU-213 F9F-8T’s with runways in the foreground.

I wanted to be a Photographer’s Mate and trained at the photo lab at night. Just before the ATU’s were commissioned as VT’s I got a transfer from ATU-213 to the operations department photo lab. After the squadrons were commissioned I had to request a change of duty station via BUPERS and I transferred to Adak, AK in December 1960 and bid farewell to the Cougars.

I retired in 1988 as a Senior Chief Photographer.
Art Jorgensen, PHCS (Ret.)


Aerial view of Chase Field

Aerial view of four ATU-213 F9F-8T Cougars over Chase Field.

Off-Duty Photos

No info yet.

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