

Pertinent Links
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Table of Contents:

Contributing Sites
Unofficial Squadrons/NAS Sites
Aircraft Type Sites
Official USN & USMC Sites
Aircraft Carriers
Noteworthy Sites
POW / MIA / KIA Sites
Aviation Organizations
Interesting Navy/Aviation Sites
Active Duty Fighter/Attack Squadrons Sites
Other Sites of Interest

Latest updated 30 OCT 2016

Contributing Sites. Noteworthy Sites.
Gary Verver's China Lake Site
75 Squadron - RAF - RNZAF
LT Robert E. Lynn Site, by Daniel Lynn
A/C Resources by Gary Campbell.
Dave Campbell's "Navy Chief BOS'N Site"
Takafumi Hiroe's USN A/C Pictures.
VAQ-34 Website.
International Plastic Modelers' Society
Grumman S-2 Tracker
Jim Pierce's Military Graphics - Decals.
VA-106/VF-62 Gladiator Reunion Group
Youthly Puresome [The Further Adventures of a Legend]
U.S. Navy - Together We Served
The Distinquished Flying Cross Society (USMC Vietnam Records)
Association of Naval Aviation.
The Navy Leaque
Carrier Aviation News - Skyhawks. - Skyhawks.

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Unofficial Squadron/NAS Sites: POW / MIA / KIA Sites:


Gary Verver's China Lake Site
First Marine Aircraft Wing - Nam
VA-164 Ghost Riders
VC-1 (Utility Squadron One)
VAQ-34 Website.
VAQ-33 Website
VA-106/VF-62 Gladiator Reunion Group
Three's In - Vietnam POW Home Page
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall
The Virtual Wall

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Aircraft Type Sites: Organizations:
The Navy/Marine Able Dogs (Navy/Marine Skyraiders)
A-1 Skyraider Association (Air Force Skyraiders)
Aussie Skyhawk Tales
Kiwi Aircraft Images
A-7 Corsair II
A-6 Intruder Association
A-3 Skywarrior Association
HowNowCow (USMC Harriers).
F-14 Tomcat Association
Jolly Green Giants
Helicopter Combat Support-
Squadron Seven (HC-7 Seadevils)
The US Navy Blue Angels
Blue Angels Alumni Association
Tailhook Association
Marine Corps Aviation Association
VP (Patrol) Squadrons
Naval Enlisted Bombadier Navigator Organization
CVS-14 USS Ticonderoga
CVA-31/LHD-6 USS BonHomme Richard
CVA-34 USS Oriskany
CV-41 U.S.S. Midway
USS Coral Sea Organizaton
USS Saratoga Organization
USS Ranger Organization
USS Independence
VA-106/VF-62 Gladiator Reunion Group

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Museum Sites: Interesting Navy/Aviation Sites
National Museum of Naval Aviation,
NAS Pensacola, Florida
Flying Leatherneck Museum,
MCAS Miramar San Diego, CA.
National Museum of the Marine Corps
Air Victory Museum, Medford, NJ
Aviaton Museum of Kentucky
CV-12 USS Hornet Museum
CV-16 USS Lexington Museum
CVA-41 USS Midway Museum
Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Association
Illinois Aviation Museum
Argentina Air Forces Site
(Browser plug-in will translate)
Afterburner - Aviation Pictures
Australian Aircraft Site
Subic Bay, Cubi Point, & other PI locations.
The Collings Foundation - Wings of Freedom - Everything for Aviators
The Ejection Site

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Official U.S. Navy/Marine Corps Sites Active Duty VFA Squadrons:
United States Navy official web site
United States Marine Corps official web site

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Aircraft Carrier Sites: Other sites of interest:
U.S. Aircraft Carriers - History
CV-14 USS Ticonderoga
CVA-19 USS Hancock
CVA-20 USS Bennington
CVA-31 USS Bon Homme Richard
CVA-34 USS Oriskany
CVA-38 USS Shangri-La
CVA-41 USS Midway
CVA-42 USS Franklin D.Roosevelt
CVA-59 USS Forrestal Museum
CVA-62 USS Independence
CVA-63 USS Kitty Hawk
CVA-64 USS Constellation
CVN-65 USS Enterprise
CV-66 USS America
CV-67 USS John F Kennedy
Daniel D. Eubank's Blog.
International Plastic Modelers' Society
Motty's Aircraft Images Western Pacific Skyhawks.

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