

The Skyhawk Association is forever grateful to "Webmaster Emeritus" Asahel D. "Bud" Southworth for his years of dedication, and the countless thousands of hours he devoted to designing and building the original Skyhawk Association web site. Bravo Zulu Bud



Texaco Centurion


VA-163 Reunion Pensacola Beach-October 17-19. Contact Ed Copher newsman242@gmail.com


MCAA Annual Symposium & MAROS Hyatt Regency, Dallas, TX 20-24 May 2024

The Marine Corps Aviation Association (MCAA) recognizes professional excellence in Marine aviation through education, activities, media, events and its renowned awards program, the largest aviation-based award program in the country. It publishes both a Journal and The Yellow Sheet magazines and, while headquartered in Quantico, Virginia, has about 25 active supporting squadrons across the country and Pacific. www.flymcaa.org

Marine Aviation Readiness and Operations Summit (MAROS) is an annual meeting held by the Marine Corps Aviation Association (MCAA) in one centralized location. The summit is intended to allow subject matter experts from within Marine Aviation to conduct professional exchanges of information on topics essential to the Marine Corps, including readiness, training, safety, requirements, and manning. The MAROS and Symposium are normally held together. 


Marine Skyhawkers Gathering Again!

Pensacola Beach, FL

Hilton and Holiday Inns on the Beach!
11-13 November 2024

POC:  Mark Williams at rogerwilco14@gmail.com, 10432 Button Willow Dr,

Las Vegas, NV 89134, or 702-778-5010.




Today's sentiment:

Here's to old, here's to new.
You may know me, I may know you.
But, for some we've never met,
It's a meeting you won't forget.

A-4's, they say, are Tinker Toys.
They say they're made for little boys.
But, alas, we no longer qualify
For our asses no longer will comply.

So, let's resolve to return and repeat
To gather, do business, drink and eat.
Be you civilian Navy or Marine
Together forever, there is no between.

NAS Cubi Point, Subic Bay Philippines.

Skyhawk Association's suggested "Plan Of the Day"

Original sketches by and courtesy of Hank Caruso

06:00 = Roll-over and go back to sleep

07:00 = Roll out of your rack and take a shower - please! Uniform of the Day is casual (must cover the "personal parts" of your body.)

08:00 = Muster at the coffee shop, consume your breakfast while reviewing the events planned for day so far.

11:00 = Report for duty at your favorite aviation shop, museum, or outdoor display. Contemplate what needs to be done to maintain your good standing with the local aviation buffs, and consider an attempt to remember it for future reference.

12:00 = Report to your favorite lunch establishment for coffee, sliders, and ice-cream.

13:00 = Gather again with others interested in aviation for a discussion surrounding the differences of various time-frames in aviation history (the good old days), the merits of various aircraft in various mission scenarios, and the death of the "Happy Hour" as you remember it.

16:00 = Happy Hour, where every attempt is made to resurrect happy hour as you remember it.

18:00 = Report to your resident sick-bay for an attempt to recover from "Happy Hour".

20:00 = Keep trying to recover.

22:00 = Give up on a recovery, and hit the rack.

22:00 to 06:00 = Dream of A-4 Skyhawks, and a OK3.

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