

Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO).
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Robert Oetting

Jean Louis Planty

Robert Oetting


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Robert Oetting

David Weber

Gary Verver

Scott Van Aken

John Gabbard


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Home Ports

1972: VMA-543 was known to be at NAS Glenview.

Air Wings

VK tail code

MD tail code


Date Type First Received - - - - - - Type of Aircraft:

JUL 1972: Douglas A-4L Skyhawk


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Commanding Officers

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Awards continued

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Robert Oetting

Unit Photos

A-4L BuNo.145103 VMA-543 (NAS Glenview) Skyhawk, MD-2, drop tanks, parked on the ramp. Courtesy of Scott Van Aken.

A-4L BuNo 145122 VMA-543, NAS Glenview, Skyhawk MD-4 parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection.

BuNo 148462, 5V-5, is the background for the pilots of VMA-543 in 1970. Photos taken by Robert Oetting (9/68-6/71) with VMA-543 at NAS Glenview while he was a student in graduate school at U of Illinois.

A-4B of VMA-543 piloted by Capt. Ray Finucane blocks out the sun for the photographer. Finucane was also a student (at Northwestern U), on a cross-country to the west coast, precise date unknown. Photo by Robert Oetting.

BuNo 145061, MARTD at NAS Glenview, Nov69 to MAY70 in-flight with snow capped mountains in the background. Photo Robert Oetting, VMA-543 aviator.

Off-Duty Photos

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