Unit Photos
China lake rocket sled "SNORT" configured for A-4A tests.

20OCT56: BuNo 137829 looking very pristine and parked on the NAF China Lake ramp. Navy photo.
07SEP59 SNORT: China Lake escapesys test vehicle. Gary Verver.
24 NOV 1959: A4D-1 137818 at China Lake. Official U.S. Navy photo, G Verver.
1959-1960: BuNo 137814 XF-37814 on display for an open house, probably Pt. Mugu. P.Stevens.
Date Unknown: A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142685 and pilot ready to be launched from the SATS cat. Mike Wilson collection.
02MAY60: BuNo 137818 on the NAF China Lake ramp with Fireye (Napalm) ordnance on each wing station. Navy photo.
11MAY60: BuNo 137818 firing 5" ZUNI folding fin aircraft rockets (FFAR). Navy Photo.
27JUN60: BuNo 137818 on the ramp with a Mk-81 bomb on the stbd. MBER. Navy Photo.
1960-62: BuNo 137818 on display at an open house, circa 1960-1962. Photo by R. Besecker.
01FEB61: NAF China Lake with what looks to be a Mk-83 on the #3 wing station. U.S. Navy.
13MAR61: NAF China Lake with bomb practice fuze, Mk-256, project. Pic2. Pic3. Navy photos.
17MAY61: BuNo 142892 on the ramp with a Walleye shape on each wing station. Navy photo.
18MAY61: NAF China Lake with a Walleye shape on each wing station. Front View. Navy photos.
10JUL61: YA4D-1 BuNo 137818 on the ramp with a Gladeye dispenser on the centerline station. Navy photo.
AUG 1961: China Lake A4D-2 BuNo 142892, with Padeye dispenser. China Lake A4D-2 BuNo 142892, Padeye loaded on NO. 1 station of 142892. Navy photos from Ray Powell.
10AUG61: BuNo 137814 on the ramp with two Mk-82 Snakeye retarded fin bombs on the centerline MBER. The building in the background is the NAF main line shack and the plane in the background is F3D Skyknight modex 595. Navy photo.
01SEP61: BuNo 137814 parked on the ramp with the Cyclops camera pod. Navy photo.
02SEP61: NAF China Lake with pair of Mk-44 Aerial torpedoes on an MBER on each wing station. Navy Photo.
22SEP61: 085 in the newly built hangar #3 with a Walleye shape on the stbd. wing and a good look at the starter probe. Navy photo.
03NOV61: BuNo 137818 on the ramp AREA R with Rockeye CBU's on MBER's on each external hard point. AREA R with Rockeye CBU's on a MBER on the port side. AREA R with Rockeye CBU's on MBER's on all 3 stations. Navy photos.
07NOV61: A4D-1 137814 on the ramp at NAF China Lake with the Weteye chemical bomb on the centerline station. Closeup. Navy photo.
17NOV61: BuNo 137822 taxiing with a SHRIKE missile on the stbd station. PIC2 closeup of a SHRIKE missile on #3. Navy photos.
05DEC61: BuNo 142085 "085" on the ramp with 3 Weteye chemical bombs on the stbd. wing station. Navy photo.
12DEC61: NAF China Lake with Mk-83 Snakeye retarded fin bombs on the centerline station. Navy Photo.
21DEC61: BuNo 142892 in flight releasing a Rockeye cluster bomb. Navy photo.
26DEC61: BuNo 142085 on the ramp as two ordies are loading "Elfmobile" onto the port wing station. Navy photo.
01MAR62: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 137818 on the ramp with a GLADEYE dispenser on the centerline. Pic2. Navy Photos.
Circa 1962: Naval Missile Center A4D-2N BuNo 145073, NMC-073, firing a Bullpup missile at China Lake. Navy photo from Ray Powell.
02MAR62: BuNo 137822 taxiing with an instrument pod on station #2 and a SHRIKE missile on #3. Navy Photo.
03MAR62: BuNo 137822 taxiing with an instrument pod on station #2 and a SHRIKE missile on #3. Closeup. Navy Photo.
NAF China Lake 14 MAR 1962: TA4D-1 BuNo 139937 after a ZUNI test went awry for Tony Tambini. Flight was to test a fix to address the failure of ripple & single fire at high altitude (35,000 feet). Supposed to be a single fire from each tube, but the Ordie set the pods to ripple fire. At altitude Tony fired a single from one of the pods accompanied by a flash & swoosh as the first ZUNI fired followed by a second flash swoosh and a loud thump as the second went off. The thump was the noise it made as it impacted the bottom of the fuselage under the cockpit. The fix didn't work and the first Zuni ripped the aft end of the ZUNI tube from the pylon and left it pointing in the direction of the cockpit and the second one almost got him. Fortunately the second one ripped the tube further from the pylon severing the umbilical cord between the pylon and the ZUNIs which stopped #3 and #4 from firing. After this 937 was bucking and vibrating heavily which Tony reported to ground control, who told him the aircraft looked fine and as long as he was up there to go ahead with the firing from the tube on the other wing. Well as someone once said, déjà vu all over again. After try #2 - in Tony's own words; "vibrating and shaking violently, the airplane was taking all that I had to maintain control. I radioed my situation to the ground controller and told him that I would try to make it back to the Naval Air Facility. The airplane really didn't want to fly. I felt like I was attached to a giant, violent bronco." Once on the ground A large, black "X" could be seen, etched in the fuselage right under where Tony had been sitting as the two rockets crossed under. Photos by Tony Tambini via Gary Verver.
04APR62: Pic1 = 3 shot sequence of a Mk-46 torpedo being dropped from A4D-1 137818, the photos were taken by Tony Tambini from BuNo 13993. Shot2; Shot 3.
14MAY62: BuNo 137818 on the ramp with a WETEYE chemical bomb on the centerline MBER. Navy Photo
24MAY62: BuNo 142085; close-up of Walleye. TV guided bomb Pic2. Navy Photo.
05JUN62: BuNo 142892 on the ramp closeup of an MBER and DENEYE anti-tank missiles on the centerline. Navy photo.
19JUN62: BuNo 137822 and an unknown pilot next to a SHRIKE missile on the port side hard point. Navy photo.
12JUN62: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 137818 close-up of the GLADEYE chaff, leaflets or antipersonnel ordnance dispenser on the centerline station. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 137818 close-up of the GLADEYE chaff, leaflets or antipersonnel ordnance dispenser on the centerline station. Unknown photographer from R. Summers collection.
01SEP62: BuNo 145063 in-flight with the flare test pod. PIC 2 Navy photos.
24OCT62: BuNo 142085 closeup of 085 on the ramp with the Walleye guidance system. Navy photo.
18DEC62: BuNo 142085; 085 with the Walleye guidance system on station #1. BuNo 142085 closeup of 085 on the ramp with the Walleye guidance system on station #1. Navy photo.
1963 and the China Lake Compass Rose: Gary Verver: Swinging VX-5 A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145068, XE-4, on the compass rose using a system designed by Paul Dros & Don Spruill. Photos are from Paul Dros.
Paul Dros, "During my time with VX-5 Don Spruill and I did a lot of work with the AN/AJB-3 & the 3A guidance systems. In fact we spent a few weeks at MCAS El Toro Santa Anna CA training on the AFCS and the AJB3A systems. We were constantly taking aircraft to the compass rose and pushing the plane around with a group of guys. I was always one to try different things on how to do something with less manpower and time.
So with the approval of the higher powers and with a lot of help from other areas I came up with this system of swinging an aircraft using only two people at the compass rose.
We extended an aircraft tow bar, we then built an extension for the tug to move the NC-5 power unit away from the wing. There was a little problem with keeping the wheel on center of the compass rose. So we added the channel and locking blocks to the rotating platform. The last thing was to add a pointer to the outer wheel to indicate the center of the compass heading lines.
Using this system Don Spruill and I could swing an aircraft around the compass rose in a few hours."
01JAN63: BuNo 145063 parked on the ramp with 3 Mk-4 20mm gun pods and under wing cameras. Navy photo.
16JAN63: BuNo 145063 parked on the ramp, with three Rockeye I cluster bombs. Photo 2 of BuNo 145063 parked on the ramp, with three Rockeye I cluster bombs. Photo 3, closeup. Navy photos.
17JAN63: BuNo 145063 and Lt. Tambini 063 with under wing cameras on #1 and #5 and ZUNI Aero 6D launchers on #2 and #4. Navy photo.
06FEB63: BuNo 147680 taxiing with a SHRIKE missile and unknown pilot. Navy photo.
20FEB63: NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142892 with a Rockeye I anti-tank weapon, NAF China Lake, 20 February 1963. Angelo Romano Collection.
Circa 1963: Naval Air Testing Facility Skyhawk BuNo 137819 as AN R. Howey demonstrates this Scooters ability to taxi unaided along an electronic guide-way. BuNo 137819 close-up of the nose wheel pick-up coils that allow this Scooter to taxi un-aided along an electronic guide-way. Naval Aviation News photo.
Circa 1963: BuNo 142737 parked next to NA-4C 145063 on the west side of the main line shack. Navy photo G. Verver Collection.
11FEB63: BuNo 137818 on the ramp with a GLADEYE dispenser on the centerline. Navy photo.
05MAR63: Unknown pilot being strapped into BuNo 147680 by the plane captain, SHRIKE missile on the stbd wing.Close-up of the AGM-45 Shrike air-to-surface missile on station #3 of a China Lake Skyhawk. Most of the test Shrikes were painted this color which made it easier to monitor the flight characteristics. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781 hangar #3 with a Light Attack Navigation and Bombing System (LANABS). Navy photo.
13MAR63: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147680 and Shrike test pilot LCDR Jack Sickel. Navy photo from J.A. Sickel Jr.
10APR63: BuNo 147680 with a SHRIKE missile
11APR63: Pic1 BuNo 147680 taxiing with a SHRIKE missile and unknown pilot. Navy photo.
11APR63: Skyhawk BuNo 149969 on the ramp behind the line shack with drop tanks on #2 and #4 and a missile on #5. Another shot of Skyhawk BuNo 149969 on the ramp behind the line shack with drop tanks on #2 and #4 and a missile on #5. Navy photos.
01MAY63: NAF DF-1D Fury drone controllers BuNo's 136076, 135788, 136064 135894; YA-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137822, A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142085, YA-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814 NA-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145063. Navy Photo.
01MAY63: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781, hangar #3, and close-up view of the Light Attack Navigation and Bombing System (LANABS). China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781, hangar #3, and closer close-up view of the Light Attack Navigation and Bombing System (LANABS). Navy photos.
o9MAY63: BuNo 142085 on the ramp with a Walleye on station #1. Navy photo.
17MAY63: NA-4C 145063 and YA-4A 137822 behind the display of free-fall ordnance: l-r Snakeye, Sadeye, Rockeye, Padeye, Gladeye. Navy photo.
01jun63: YA-4A NAF China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 137813, Modex-813. She is working Project DIRTY IR shield, which was made of asbestos and apparently intended to mask the infrared signature of the jet exhaust. Note: The Israel Air Force would later use an extended tail pipe to good affect during combat. Second shot of Project DIRTY IR. Another shot of Project DIRTY IR with a/c monitoring the operation. Navy Photos from Gary Verver.
Project DIRTY IR on the deck. W.Mutza photo collection.
07JUN63: YA-4A NAF China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 137813, Modex-813, on the ramp with a Gladeye dispenser on the centerline station. Close-up of a Gladeye dispenser on the centerline station of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 137813. Navy photos, from Gary Verver.
07JUN63: BuNo 137822 parked on the flight line sporting an earlier hi-vis paint scheme. On the port side is a DF-1D Fury drone controller. Navy Photo.
07JUN63: A-4E BuNo 149969 Shrike GM28 and pilot LT Tony Tambini, JFK demo 07 June 1963. Photo from Tony Tambini.
Circa 1963: China Lake NA-4C BuNo 145063, HIPEG gun pods. "I was the plane captain for both HIPEG aircraft (137818 and 145063) in 1963 and never walked in front of them after I was told the HIPEGs occasionally fired with no-one in the cockpit. Think they were pulling my leg, but things like that did happen from time to time. Pretty impressive when they all cut loose as each pod fired 66 rounds of 20mm per second." Gary Verver. Official U.S. Navy from Gary Verver Collection.
MAY 1959: A shot of a centerline installation. Second shot of a centerline gun pod. Third shot of the centerline gun.
NA-4C 145063 in-flight firing the under-wing HIPEG 20mm gun pods. Navy Photo.
07JUN63: Shrike testing with 147680 at China Lake. Navy photo from Ray Powell.
14JUN63: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 137818 on the ramp with three Mk-4 HIPEG 20MM under-wing gun pods. Each fired 66 rounds of 20mm per second. Pic2 of 137818. Navy photos. Pic3 of 137818. Navy photos.
07 JUN 1963: A-4E BuNo 149969 Shrike GM28 and pilot LT Tony Tambini, JFK demo. Photo from Tony Tambini, via Gary Verver.
07JUN1963: A-4B 144925 on the China Lake hot line with three Sadeye cluster bombs. Close-up of the Sadeye cluster bomb. Navy photos.
NAF NA-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145063 and VX-5 Event 19 pilots LT Bob Boyd, LCDR
Gary Palmer and USMC CAPT Ray Powell. 07 June 1963 photo from Ray Powell.

JUL 1963: Line drawing of China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969 as it looked in July 1963 operating from Key West for Project Rainhat. Rich Dann.
25JUL63: BuNo 142892 on the ramp with Walleye IR map profile. Navy photo.
1963: A-4C BuNo 147680, Shrike missile & LCDR Jack Sickel circa August 1963. Photo is from John Sickel, Jr.
1963: A view of an AGM-45A Shrike surface attack anti-radar missile mounted on the wing pylon of China Lake A-4C BuNo 147680. Photo contact Gene Atwell.
Date Unknown: A view of an AGM-45A Shrike surface attack anti-radar missile mounted on the wing pylon of China Lake A-4C BuNo 147680. Photographer unknown, from Gary Verver.
21AUG63: Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147680 and Shrike missile. Navy photo.
AUG63: A-4C BuNo 147680, Shrike missile and LCDR Jack Sickel. Photo from John Sickel, Jr.
SEP63: Right rear view of Naval Air Test Facility Skyhawk BuNo 142685, #2, on the ramp with two wing tanks and with a plane captain refueling the wing tank. Nick Williams photo.
06SEP63: BuNo 47680 taxiing with a SHRIKE missile and unknown pilot. Navy photo.
06SEP63 YA-4A BuNo 137813: Plane captain Roger Summers and an unknown Scooter jock at China Lake with China Lake Modex 813. 500 pound Snakeye bomb on the centerline and cameras on the port wing station. R. Summers Collection.
SEP63: BuNo 145063 on the ramp with Mk-4 HIPEG 20 mm gun pods on each hard point, might be Lt. Ed Luetschwager in the cockpit and two unknown ordies with the 20mm ammo belts. Navy photo.
SEP63: A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145063 with three HIPEG 20mm under-wing gun pods strafing a tank target, China Lake. Naval Aviation News photo.
05OCT63: BuNo 145063 parked on the hot line with three Mk-4 HIPEG 20mm gun pods. Navy photo.
11OCT63: BuNo 142892 in flight releasing a Walleye TV guided bomb. Navy photo.
OCT63: Project Pilots LCDR J.M. Morgan, LT J.W. Burns LT Jim L. Kistler return from flights. Skyhawk A-4B BuNo 144925 in the background along with BuNo 145063. Naval Aviation News Photo.
OCT63: Shrike Project Officer, LT Tony Tambini, confers with NOTS scientist H.W. Simpson. A-4B Skyhawk 144925 in the background. Naval Aviation News photo.
22NOV63: BuNo 142737 and a Rockeye II cluster bomb on the centerline. Closer shot of the cluster bomb. BuNo 142737 and a Rockeye II cluster bomb closeup. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
27NOV63: BuNo 142737 on the NAF flight-line with the project DIRTY exhaust shield. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
16JAN64: BuNo 1420845 "085" with a Walleye TV guided bomb on station # 1 and an iron bomb on #3 on the ramp behind the NAF line shack. Navy photo.
16JAN64: BuNo 1420845 "085" on the ramp with a Walleye on station #1. Navy photo.
21JAN64: BuNo 142737 in flight with the project DIRTY exhaust shield. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
24JAN64: BuNo 142892 on the ramp with Rockeye II ordnance. Navy photo.
24JAN64: 142085 BuNo 137818 on the ramp with three Mk-4 under wing 20mm gun pods. Navy Photo.
30JAN64: Right side-view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 in-flight with the project DIRTY IR exhaust shield. Navy photo.
Circa 1964: BuNo 142085 "085" over one of the China Lake ranges. Navy photo.
11FEB64: China Lake Ordies load a Walleye TV guided bomb on the port wing of Skyhawk BuNo 148437. BuNo 148437 in flight with a Walleye TV guided bomb on the port wing and an iron bomb on the stbd side. Navy photos.
12FEB64: BuNo 142737 on the NAF flight line with the project DIRTY duster adapter mounted under the tailhook. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
28 FEB 1964: NAF China Lake A-4B BuNo 142787, Youth reporter David Borelli inspects A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142787 flown by Lt Jim Kissler and then fired a flare gun. Rocketeer photo.
28 FEB 1964: NAF China Lake A-4E BuNo 149969, as Lt Del Newhouse escorts Eagle Scouts Charles W. Sadler, 16, (center) and Fred Hulsey, 16, as they look over the Skyhawk. Rocketeer photo.
12MAR64: Close-up right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 on the ramp with a SHRIKE missile on station #4. Navy photo.
20MAR64: Close-up of the SHRIKE missile on the port side of BuNo 147680. Navy photo.
20MAR64: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 on the ramp with with Lt. Tambini and a SHRIKE missile posing in the foreground. Navy photo.
27MAR64: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 on the ramp with a SHRIKE missile on station #4. Navy photo.
27MAR64: Lt Del Newhouse escorts Eagle Scouts Charles W. Sadler, 16, (center) and Fred Hulsey, 16, as they look over NAF A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Rocketeer.
22APR64: BuNo 142737 in flight with the project DIRTY exhaust shield. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
28APR64: BuNo 142777 on the ramp with a Lockley launcher on wing station #3. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
12MAY64: BuNo 142737 in the hangar with BAPL (napalm of some kind) ordnance on station #1. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
12JUN64: BuNo 147680 and Lt. Tambini in flight over the China Lake test ranges with a Shrike under each wing. The small tube above the tail pipe sprays a fluid that turns to smoke when mixed with the exhaust making it easy for the range cameras to track the run. Navy photo.
12JUN64: BuNo 147680 piloted by Lt. Tambini firing a Shrike missile from the stbd side. BuNo 147680 piloted by Lt. Tambini firing a Shrike missile from the port side. Navy Photos.
19JUN64: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 144947 taking off with two Walleye TV guided bombs. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 144947 in-flight with two Walleye TV guided bombs. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 144947 in-flight with two Walleye TV guided bombs. Navy photos.
23JUN64: BuNo 142777 in hangar #3 with Fireye ordnance (naplam) on an MBER on the port side. Note the camera housing in the port 20mm gun port. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
30JUN64: BuNo 137818 on the ramp with FIREYE (napalm) ordnance on a MBER on station 3. Navy photo.
09AUG64: BuNo 145063 in-flight Rockeye II release.
20AUG64: BuNo 142085; closeup of 085 on the ramp with a Walleye shape on station #2. Navy photo.
02OCT64: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 142892 on the ramp with a Rockeye II cluster bomb on the centerline. Closeup. Navy photos.
21OCT64: BuNo 142085: closeup of 085 on the ramp with a laser radar pod on the #1 station.
21OCT64: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 with SHRIKE missiles on stations #2 and #4 and the SHRIKE electronics pod on the centerline. Navy photo.
19 NOV 1964:NAF China Lake A-4C BuNo 148524 as it looked (to the best of my recollection) when it arrived at China Lake on 19 November 1964 from Litchfield Park. Copyright artwork by Rich Dann.
04DEC64: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 on the ramp with a SHRIKE missile on station #1 and #3. Hangar #2 and the control tower in the background. Navy photo via Gary Verver.
20DEC64: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 137818 Snipe "Static drop test". Navy photo
04FEB65: A-4B 144947 releasing a Walleye over one of the China Lake ranges. Navy photo.
16MAR65: BuNo 148437 on the ramp with a Walleye TV guided bomb on the port wing. Navy photo.
24MAR65: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 145063 and Rockeye II cluster bomb release. Separation initiation. a href="/sites/default/files/images-buno-145062-147849/145063i04.jpg">Beginning of bomblet dispersal. a href="/sites/default/files/images-buno-145062-147849/145063i04.jpg">Continuation of bomblet dispersal. a href="/sites/default/files/images-buno-145062-147849/145063i07.jpg">Continuation of bomblet dispersal. Navy photos.
Circa 1965: A-4B 144947 with three China Lake Skyhawk plane captains, (l to r) J. Delorey, C. Malear and Morales. In the background is the China Lake Control tower and the VX-5 hangar. Navy Photo.
Circa 1965: A-4B 144947 in-flight with a Walleye TV guided bomb. Navy photo.
06APR65: BuNo 148437 close-up of a Walleye TV guided bomb on the stbd wing. Navy photo.
22APR65: BuNo 142892 on the ramp with the project DIRTY Michigan pod on the centerline. Closeup. Navy photos.
MAY 1965: NAF China Lake A-4B BuNo 142892 , aircraft and people involved in the Snakeye Weapon System. Supporting Program Manager Roy Compton (right front) and Tony Simshauser, Project Manager (front left). Rocketeer.
05MAY65: BuNo 145063 n-flight releasing Fireye ordnance. Navy photo.
MAY65: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 parked in hangar #3 with six practice bombs on each external ordnance station. The photo was taken during the open house held in conjunction with the Blue Angels demonstration. Photo Larry Heppler.
JUL 1965: BuNo 142787 China Lake A-4B BuNo 142787, Rockeye II cluster bombs on an MBR JUL 1965. Navy photo from Ray Powell.
Circa 1965: Naval Air Test Facility Skyhawk BuNo 142834, #3, parked on the ramp. Unknown via W. Mutza.
Circa 1965: A-4B 144925 awaiting its pilot on the China Lake flight line. Navy photo.
11AUG65: BuNo 142777 on the hot line ramp with four FIREYE (napalm) bombs on the starboard side. Navy photo.
MK-122 Fireye loaded on center line station of BuNo. 142777. Pic2. Pic3 Navy photos from Ray Powell.
24AUG65: BuNo 142777 on the ramp with six Snakeye I retarded bombs on the centerline MBER. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
31AUG65: NATF(SI) Lakehurst NA-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142685, #2, after a failed take-off, NAS Lakehurst, 31 August 1965. Pic2. Pic3 Official U.S. Navy photos.
01SEP65: BuNo 148437 taking off with a Walleye TV guided bomb. Navy photo via Gary Verver.
09SEP65: Buno 147781 on the ramp with a Walleye TV guided bomb an the port side. Navy photo.
23SEP65: BuNo 145063 in-flight releasing a Rockeye II cluster bomb. After release. Navy photos.
OCT65: BuNo 147680 parked on the hot line. A Shrike launcher is mounted on the starboard wing and a camera on the centerline. The A-4C next to 147680 is VX-5 Skyhawk BuNo 145139. Plane captain R. Ripley polishes the canopy during the pre-flight inspection. A Shrike launcher is mounted on the starboard wing and a camera on the centerline. The A-4C next to 147680 is VX-5 Skyhawk BuNo 145139. Navy photos.
OCT65: A-4C BuNo 147680 carrying a SHRIKE missile that is visible on its starboard side. Plane Captain R. Ripley has his back to the camera. The vehicle is a "huffer" used to start the Skyhawk.
06OCT65: BuNo 147680 firing a SHRIKE missile from the loft maneuver. Navy photo.
12OCT65: AGM-62 Walleye testing at China Lake with BuNo 147781. Rear shot of AGM-62 Walleye testing at China Lake with BuNo 147781. Ray Powell.
15 OCT 1965: China Lake A-4B BuNo 142892, with Snipe missile. Navy photo from Ray Powell. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 142892 on the ramp with project SNIPE on the stbd side. Navy photo.
15OCT65: BuNo 137814 being hoisted over the fence to be displayed behind the Weapons Demonstration Hut. BuNo 137814 being hoisted Pic2. Photos from R. Summers collection. BuNo 137814 on it's poles. Navy Photo.
15OCT65: BuNo 142777 in flight with SNIPE ordnance. Navy photo.
22OCT65: Fireye delivered by BuNo 149657 EX-2. Second shot. Navy photos via Ray Powell.
Circa 1965 -1966: 147680 on the China Lake ramp with a Shrike missile on the stbd wing and pilot Lt. Ed Luetschwager. Photo from Marlene Luetschwager.
1965-1966: NA-4C Skyhawk 145063 on the China Lake hot line ramp. Gary Verver photo.
14FEB66: Right rear view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613. Plane Captain Gary Verver in the cockpit for project Trisat RIV. Navy photo via Gary Verver.
Circa 1966: Plane Captain Gary Verver, behind the wheel of the NC-5 power cart, as members of the SHRIKE Project team prepare 613 for a test flight. The centerline "drop tank" contains additional electronics associated with the SHRIKE project. SHRIKE project photo, Navy.
01APR66: BuNo 142787 in flight releasing Briteye parachute flares. Navy photo.
18MAY66: Pilot USMC Captain Bob Peterson in BuNo 148613 taxis to the runway for a Shrike project flight. The smoke tube used to emit smoke on test runs is visible above the tailpipe. The starboard side ordnance is a SHRIKE missile. Navy photo.
21 MAY 1966: A-4 Skyhawk cockpit configuration used for ejection seat tests, SNORT demo, Armed Forces Day, China Lake. Rocketeer photo by PHAN Jerry Willey.
21 MAY 1966: NAF A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142777 with 5.0 " ZUNI FFAR pods and a centerline MER with Snakeyes, Armed Forces Day, Armitage Field, hangar 3, China Lake. Rocketeer photo by PHAN Jerry Willey.
MAY66: BuNo 142777 in hangar #3 with under wing ZUNI 5" folding fin air-to-ground rockets in a launcher with the with the protective nose cone removed and Snakeyes, Armed Forces Day. Photo from Gary Verver.
21MAY66: NAF A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142777 with 5.0 " ZUNI FFAR pods and a centerline MER with Snakeyes, Armed Forces Day, Armitage Field, hangar 3, China Lake. Rocketeer photo by PHAN Jerry Willey.
05AUG66: Unusually close to the fleet configuration for a China Lake Skyhawk, 149969 was assigned to plane captain Gary Verver. Gary's pride and joy is pictured with a Walleye under each wing in front of hangar #3. Second shot. Navy photos. Gary Verver has provided by far the largest number of images to this site.
30SEP66: Skyhawk BuNo 149969 in the hangar with the MULE pod (SHRIKE missile guidance instrumentation) on #2. Another shot. Navy photos.
19OCT66: BuNo 142777 taxiing with with a Mk-24 flares on station #1 and station #3, camera on the centerline station. Navy photo, Gary Verver.
01DEC66: BuNo 145063 on the ramp with Misteye ordnance on the #1 and #2 wing stations and a centerline drop tank. Second photo. Navy photos.
Circa 1967: BuNo 148437 in flight with Bombwinder, one of the Sidewinder spin-offs. Another shot of the Bombwinder. Navy photos.
Circa 1967: Close-up left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 with Bullwinder, one of the many Sidewinder spin-offs. Secret City Video
05JAN67: BuNo 145063 taxiing with Rockeye II ordnance on the centerline station. Navy photo.
16MAR67: Left rear view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 parked on the ramp. Photo by C. Jansson via Tailhook Association.
05APR67: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 close-up of Bullwinder, one of the many Sidewinder spin-offs. Close-up Pic2. Close-up Pic3. Navy photos.
30MAY67: BuNo 148437 in flight with a Bombwinder on the centerline. Photo from Ernie Mares vi Gary Verver.
25JUL67: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 145063 and close-up of fuze test pod. Navy photo.
27JUL67: BuNo 145069 on the bore-sight with Bombwinder. BuNo 145069 on the bore-sight with Bombwinder. BuNo 145069 on the bore-sight with Bombwinder. BuNo 145069 on the bore-sight with Bombwinder. BuNo 145069 on the bore-sight with Bombwinder. BuNo 145069 on the bore-sight with Bombwinder. BuNo 145069 on the bore-sight with Bombwinder. BuNo 145069 on the bore-sight with Bombwinder. Navy photos via Gary Verver.
28JUL67: BuNo 148437 tied down on the ramp with a Bombwinder on the centerline. Navy photo.
28JUL67: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 and Bombwinder parked on the Hot Line next to BuNo 144925 with the Shrike seeker nose. Navy photo. BuNo 148437 close-up of Bombwinder showing the minimal ground clearance. If the bomb did not release, there was no way to land with the bomb aboard and prevent the fins from dragging on the runway. The M-118 bomb had nearly 100# of HBX as a spotting charge. BuNo 148437 close-up of Bombwinder showing the minimal ground clearance and pilot warning. Takeoff required accelerating to 150 knots to extend the landing gear oleos before performing a slow rotation to flying angle of attack. Tom Amlie photo via Ernie Mares. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 and Bombwinder parked on the Hot Line next to BuNo 144925 which was a Shrike test Skyhawk. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 and close-up of Bombwinder. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 and another close-up of Bombwinder. Navy photos.
01AUG67: A-4B 144947 in-flight testing alternative aerial refueling through a drop tank necessitated by the "Shrike Improved Display" (SIDS) which could not have metal objects forward of the nose. Navy photo.
21AUG67: BuNo 148437 in-flight with Bombwinder on the centerline. BuNo 148437 in-flight with Bombwinder. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 in flight with Bombwinder on the centerline. Navy photos.
23OCT67: Right rear view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 tied down on the hot-line ramp. Navy photo.
11JAN68: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 on the ramp with Rockeye II, Mod 2, cluster bomb ordnance. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 on the ramp with Rockeye II, Mod 2, cluster bomb ordnance. Navy photos.
19JAN68: A-4B 144947 parked behind A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172. Navy photo.
02FEB68: Left view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 with three Shrike missiles parked on the Hot Line. Two Shrikes are on a transport rack which was one way to transport missiles between the bases. Navy photo.
21FEB58: BuNo 154172 taxiing with three Walleye TV guided weapons. Navy photo.
13MAR68: BuNo 145063 on the ramp with Rockeye II, mod 2, ordnance on the inboard wing stations. Navy photo.
Circa 1968: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 in an Armed Forces Day fly-by with a VX-5 A-7 Corsair II, VX-5 F-4J Phantom II an unknown. NOTS Rocketeer via Bob Puszcz.
Date Unknown: A-4B, BuNo 142787, at China Lake. Gary Verver.
02APR68: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp close-up of Mk-83 MAU-91 A/B retarder. Navy photo.
04 April 1971 A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk BuNo 139927 NJ-007 at China Lake:
Sequence #1 Ejection seat test sequence, Skytop facility. Sequence #2 Sequence #3 Official U.S. Navy photos, G. Verver collection
Unknown date: NWC China Lake Skyhawk Line. L-R: NA-4C BuNo 145063, A-4E BuNo 152072, unknowns and on the end in hi-vis marking A-4C BuNo 148437.
NWC China Lake Skyhawk and Crusader Lines. R-L: NA-4C BuNo 145063, A-4E BuNo 152072, unknowns and on the end in hi-vis marking A-4C BuNo 148437. Crusaders L-R are: DF-8F BuNo 143813, DF-8F BuNo 143699 and F-8D BuNo 147057. Photos by Art Jensen.
Circa 1968: China Lake hangar #3 circa 1968 with TA-4F BuNo 152848 at right. The Hurricane Hunter is VW-4 tail code MH-4. Unknown A-4 in the foreground. Gary Verver Collection.
07MAR68: BuNo 145069 in-flight, Briteye parachute flares separation. Navy photo.
15APR68: BuNo 147781 on the ramp with a Walleye free flow shape on the centerline. Closeup of BuNo 147781 on the ramp with a Walleye free flow shape on the centerline. Navy photos.
Circa MAY68: BuNo 148437 in the hangar during an open house with ZUNI launchers. Another shot of BuNo 148437 in the hangar during an open house with ZUNI launchers. Wayne Mutza collection.
Circa68: Skyhawk BuNo 149969 in the hangar with an unknown indispensable Bluejacket. Unknown, Wayne Mutza collection.
05JUN68: BuNo 145069 parked on the ramp with the Briteye parachute flares on the centerline. Navy photo.
11JUL68: Buno 147781 in-flight over the China Lake test ranges with a Walleye TV guided bomb on the center line ordnance rack. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781 with a Walleye FA-2 TV guided bomb on the centerline parked on the Hot Line. Closeup of the Walleye FA-2 TV guided bomb on the centerline. Another closeup of the Walleye FA-2 TV guided bomb on the centerline. XO CDR Jake Robcke boards Skyhawk BuNo 147781 which has a Walleye FA-2 TV guided bomb on the centerline. Plane Captain at lower right is ADJ-3 Richard Robinson. Navy photos via Gary Verver.
AUG68: BuNo 154172 and unknown plane captain on the Skyhawk line. Photo by Bob Puszcz.
AUG68: right front view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 on the flight line with six Snakeyes on the centerline. l-r: A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172, VX-5 A-4 Skyhawk modex 3, VX-5 F-4 Phantom modex 8, an A-7 Corsair II and an F-8 Crusader. photo by Bob Puszcz.
23AUG68: NATF Lakehurst A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142834, NATF-3, on the ramp at NAS Brunswick, 23 August 1968. Note the Blue Angels F11F Tigers in the background. R.W. Harrison.
20SEP68: Close-up of Walleye II TV guided bomb ready to be loaded on the center line ordnance rack of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781. A-4E BuNo 152072 at left. Ready for loading; Walleye II TV guided bomb ready to be loaded on the center line ordnance rack of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781. Close-up of Walleye II TV guided bomb being loaded on the center line ordnance rack of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781. Close-up of Walleye II TV guided bomb on the center line ordnance rack of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781. Another close-up of Walleye II TV guided bomb on the center line ordnance rack of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 147781. Navy photos.
24SEP68: Close-up view of TAAR pod on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. Another shot. Navy photos.
16OCT68: BuNo 142089; left front view of NATF Lakehurst Skyhawk BuNo 142089, #2, parked on the ramp. Photo from Nick Williams.
04NOV68: BuNo 148437 taxiing with a Walleye FA TV guided bomb on the centerline. BuNo 148437 taxiing with a Walleye FA TV guided bomb on the centerline. Navy photos.
19JAN69: Close-up of the ZUNI pod on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 145063. Navy photo.
31JAN69: Lower right side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 in flight with a Walleye FA TV guided bomb on the centerline. 154172 in-flight with a Walleye FA TV guided bomb on the centerline. 154172 in-flight with a Walleye. Right side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 in-flight with a Walleye FA TV guided bomb on the centerline. Another right side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 in-flight over the Sierras with a Walleye FA TV guided bomb on the centerline. Close-up view of a Walleye FA TV guided bomb on the centerline of Skyhawk BuNo 154172. Navy photos.
04FEB69: Head-on view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 and Walleye FA TV guided bomb in hangar #3 for catapult mock-up. Right front close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 and Walleye FA TV guided bomb in hangar #3 for catapult mock-up. Right side close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 and Walleye FA TV guided bomb in hangar #3 for catapult mock-up. Six o'clock close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148437 and Walleye FA TV guided bomb in hangar #3 for catapult mock-up. Navy photos.
17FEB69: BuNo 142089 Walleye TV guided bomb catapult test. Lakehurst Skyhawk BuNo 142089 on the catapult for a Walleye TV guided bomb launch test. Pic2 Navy Photos.
20MAR69: Close-up view of a Deneye missile on the centerline of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. Navy photo.
APR69: Skyhawk BuNo 154172 with three SHRIKE missiles on transport racks. The Skyhawk on the left is BuNo 144947 and the two Skyhawks on the right are BuNo 148437 and BuNo 145069. Navy photo.
07APR69: Skyhawk BuNo 152072 with a SHRIKE missile ready for takeoff. Navy photo.
Circa 1969: Partial right front view of Skyhawk BuNo 152072 at left with Snoopy nose art. Photo from Ken Savage.
12APR69: Left side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the ramp with a pair of under-wing drop tanks. Photo by J. Wible, G. Verver collection.
09MAY69: Skyhawk BuNo 149969 on the Hot Line with a Walleye TV guided bomb. VX-5 Phantom BuNo 153812 and VX-4 Phantom BuNo 151000 in the background. Navy photo.
21MAY69: Right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 in hangar #3 with a Deneye missile on the centerline. Navy photo.
04JUN69: Right front view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the ramp with a Walleye TV guided bomb on the centerline. Navy photo.
20JUN69: Right front view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the ramp with a Walleye II TV guided bomb on the centerline. Six o'clock view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the Hot Line with a Walleye II TV guided bomb on the centerline. Navy photos.
01JUL69: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 145069 parked on the ramp with the MAU-116 pod.Close-up of the MAU-116 pod on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 145069. Navy photos via Gary Verver.
20SEP69: Left side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 taxiing with a Walleye II TV guided bomb on the centerline. Navy photo.
23SEP69: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 on the south side of hangar #3 with FAE ordnance. Pic 2 Pic3 Pic4 Pic5 Navy photos.
03OCT69: Fitting of a Walleye II Mk-5 TV guided bomb on the centerline of BuNo 147781. Navy photo.
22OCT69: :BuNo 147781 releasing a Walleye TV guided bomb while jettisoning fuel over the China Lake test ranges. Photo taken by the camera chase plane that accompanied the test flight. Navy photo.
1970: China Lake hangar #3 1970 with A-4F BuNo 154172 at right. The Hurricane Hunter is unknown. Photo by Art Jensen
JAN70: Right side in flight view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153503, unreeling the drogue for China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154172. Close-up. Navy photo.
23 JAN 1970: C. E. (Chick) Walden, one of the principal's involved in the Centers aircraft/survivability program, explains impact tests that are conducted at the range to members of the Survivability Working Group as part of a conference that was held at the Center last week, China Lake. Rocketeer photo.
13FEB70: Partial right front view of TDS project Skyhawk BuNo 152072 and pilot Lt Gerald Hall on the China Lake Hot Line. TDS map project instrument panel in Skyhawk BuNo 152072. Navy photos.
06APR70: Skyhawk BuNo 149969 in hangar #3, with a Walleye II LS and Mk-84 bomb kit. Close-up of Skyhawk BuNo 149969 in hangar #3, with a Walleye II LS. Navy photos.
28APR70: Skyhawk BuNo 152072 parked on the China Lake Hot Line. Another shot. Left front view of TDS project Skyhawk BuNo 152072 on the China Lake Hot Line. Navy photos.
09MAY70: Right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 with Snoopy nose on display at an Open House. A-4C BuNo 148437 at right. Unknown via W. Mutza.
MAY70: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152072 parked on the Hot Line ramp. VX-5 BuNo 150023, tail code XE-6 in the background. Nick Williams.
MAY70: BuNo 153503, north side of hangar #3 during an open house. Photo copyright Global Air Image.
27MAY70: Close-up left side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 and the weather modification seed pod. Close-up left front view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 and the weather modification seed pod. Navy photos.
1970: China Lake hangar #3 1970 with A-4F BuNo 154172 at right. The Hurricane Hunter is unknown. Photo by Art Jensen. China Lake hangar #3 1970 with A-4F BuNo 154172 at right. The Hurricane Hunter is unknown. Photo by Art Jensen
01JUL70: BuNo 153503 and Bullwinder missile. Close-up front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153503 and Bullwinder missile. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 in the background. Right front close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153503 and Bullwinder missile. Close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153503 and Bullwinder missile. Close-up in flight lower right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153503. Bullwinder missile and pod on the stbd side and two Snakeyes on the port side. Close-up in flight Pic2. Close-up in flight Pic3. Close-up in flight Pic4. Close-up in flight Pic5. Navy photos.
02AUG70: Closeup of Walleye FC pod, AWG-16, on the centerline of BuNo 147781. Another closeup. Navy photos.
04SEP70: Walleye FC pod, AWG-16, on the centerline of BuNo 147781. 2nd shot of Walleye FC pod, AWG-16. Close-up of the Walleye FC pod, AWG-16, on the centerline of 147781. Navy photos.
30SEP70: Close-up left front view of ZUNI pods on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613. Close-up right front view of ZUNI pods on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613. Navy photos.
01NOV70: Close-up left side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 and FAE HS ordnance. Navy photo.
19JAN71: BuNo 152072 and Bulldog missiles on the China Lake Hot Line. BuNo 152072, Bulldog missile and LT.COL. Bennie "Bulldog" Summers on the China Lake Hot Line. Close-up of Bulldog missile and LT.COL. Bennie "Bulldog" Summers on the left side of Skyhawk BuNo 152072. Close-up of Bulldog missile on the left side of Skyhawk BuNo 152072. Navy photos.
12FEB71: Head-on view of Skyhawk BuNo 152072 with Bulldog missiles on the China Lake Hot Line. In-flight view of Skyhawk BuNo 152072 firing a Bulldog missile over one of the China Lake Ranges. In-flight view of Skyhawk BuNo 152072 firing a Bulldog missile over one of the China Lake Ranges. Navy photos.
19JUL71: In-flight view of Skyhawk BuNo 152072 firing a Bulldog missile over one of the China Lake Ranges. Navy photos.
01SEP71: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 parked in hangar 3 with ARBS installed. Navy photo.
08SEP71: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 on the ramp with TERs on #2 and #4, each with two ZUNI 5'0" FFAR launchers and rockets. Navy photo.
09SEP71: Left front view of Naval Air Test Facility Skyhawk BuNo 145069, #1, parked on the ramp. R. Besecker photo.
09SEP71: BuNo 145074 parked on the ramp with under-wing drop tanks. Scott Van Aken photo.
1OCT71: Close-up of FAE ordnance on the center line of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655. Closer close-up of FAE ordnance on the center line of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655. Navy photos.
13OCT71: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with three ZUNI 5.0" launchers and rockets on the centerline. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with three ZUNI 5.0" launchers and rockets on the centerline. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with three ZUNI 5.0" launchers and rockets on the centerline. Another close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with three ZUNI 5.0" launchers and rockets on the centerline. Last close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with three ZUNI 5.0" launchers and rockets on the centerline. Navy photos.
10NOV71: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 prior to taxi with FAE ordnance on the centerline. Navy photo.
16NOV71: BuNo 148437 in hangar #3 with a USAF HOBO on the centerline. BuNo 148437 in hangar #3 with a USAF HOBO on the centerline and the HOBO loader. Navy photos.
17NOV71: BuNo 147781 in flight with a USAF HOBO on the centerline. Navy photo.
08DEC71: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with FAE ordnance on the centerline get a thumbs up from the plane captain as she taxies out of the flight line. Navy photo.
12JAN72: Partial right side view of Skyhawk BuNo 152072 and LT.COL. Bennie "Bulldog" Summers and unknown Marine with calibration equipment. Close-up. [Note: where is the canopy?] Close-up of Bulldog missile calibration equipment attached to Skyhawk BuNo 152072. Close-up of unknown Marine, Bulldog missile and calibration equipment attached to Skyhawk BuNo 152072. Navy photos.
19JAN72: Skyhawk BuNo 149969 on the Hot Line with a collection of drop tanks. Navy photo.
19JAN72: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with ARBS installed parked on the flight line next to BuNo 149969. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS HUD. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS electronics. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS electronics. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS cockpit.Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS installation. Navy photos.
07FEB72: Partial right front view of Skyhawk BuNo 152072 and close-up of Bulldog missile in hangar #3. Navy photo.
08FEB72: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with FAE ordnance on #3, #4 and #5. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with FAE ordnance on all five hardpoints. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with FAE ordnance on all five hardpoints. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with FAE ordnance on all five hardpoints. QF-9G Cougar drone in the background. QF-9G Cougar drone in the background. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with FAE ordnance on all five hardpoints. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 with FAE ordnance on all five hardpoints. F-84 Thunderstreak in the background. Navy photos.
03-19MAR72 Aircraft Survivability A-4A BuNo 139927.
Aircraft Survivability A-4A BuNo 139927 Jerry L. Reed, head of Code 3014, and John Fontenot, deputy manager of the aircraft survivability program, are shown at left as they joined Robert Hume and Cdr. M. L. Johnson of NAVAIRSYSCOM beneath A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 139927 which was used in a recent test.
27MAR72: Left rear view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 in-flight with the Cold Cloud SUU-53/A dispenser. Pic 2 Pic 3 in flight close-up of Cold Cloud SUU-53/A dispenser firing from China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613. This is also a good shot of the RADAR Altimeter "Canoe", outboard of the No. 1 stores-station. The two dark circles are the transmit and receive antennas. Navy photos.
11APR72: Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS angle of attack vane. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS electronics. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS electronics. Navy photos.
08 JUNE 1972 Zoomed out image from the Navy of BuNo 137814 at the NAF China Lake traffic circle. Date Unknown: BuNo 137814 on display in the NAWC traffic circle. Photo by John Tyner. Another image of her at traffic cirle by R. Ziesler. More: 20JUN83 Navy photo; 06NOV84 Navy photo; 18DEC94 Navy photo; 1995 W. Muza photo; 23DEC97 Navy photo; 137814z.jpg">07AUG02 photo from R. Ziesler.
1972: Right side view of NATF Lakehurst Skyhawk BuNo 142089, #2, parked on the ramp. Photographer unknown, from W. Mutza.
20JUL72: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 with a HARM missile seeker built into the nose and SNOOPY nose art. Navy photo.
01AUG72: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 and ARBS parked on the ramp with a pair of drop tanks. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS right hand console. Closer close-up of ARBS right hand console. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS nose access panels. Close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS cockpit instrument panel. Closer close-up of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS cockpit instrument panel. Head-on view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS. Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS. Close-up left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 ARBS. Navy photos.
12SEP72: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 as FAE ordnance is loaded. Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 as FAE ordnance is loaded. Close-up left front view of FAE ordnance
on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 taxies out to the active with two ZUNI 5.0" FFAR launcher and rockets on the in-boards. Close-up of ZUNI 5.0" FFAR launcher on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655. Navy Photos.
OCT72: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149655 parked on the ramp. Lionel Paul photo.
01NOV72: BuNo 147781 on the ramp with a laser guided bomb (LGB) on the stbd side. Navy photo.
01FEB73: Right front view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the Hot Line. Right front view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the Hot Line with a ZUNI 5.0" FFAR on a TER on the stbd side. Navy photos.
16FEB73: Left side in flight view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 and just released Walleye. Navy photo.
28FEB73: Close-up right side view of Skyhawk, BuNo 154172 and ZUNI 5.0" FFAR on a TER. Right rear view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 and GP 5.0 ordnance (looks to be a ZUNI with a Tiara warhead). One of the other China Lake Skyhawk pilots says the pilot could be Kip Banta. 2nd shot. Navy photos.
05APR73: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613, BUGEYE and the BUGEYE loader. Closeup. Navy photos.
01MAY73: Skyhawk BuNo 149969 in hangar #3 with Bullwinder missiles. Navy photo.
23MAY73: BuNo 145074 parked on the ramp with under-wing drop tanks and a buddy store on the centerline. Mike Wilson Collection.
08JUN73: Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with IR pod mounted on the port side. Another view. Another view from the rear.Navy photos.
12JUN73: Close-up left side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 and the SUU-53A cold cloud pod. Close-up left side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 and technician servicingthe SUU-53A cold cloud pod. Note the canoe shape under the wing which houses the RADAR Altimeter transmit and receive modules and antenna. Navy photos.
22JUL73: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line with the HARM missile seeker nose "KNOZY". Navy photo.
31AUG73: Close-up left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 with a HARM missile and launcher on #2 and unknown pilot and plane captain. 2nd shot. 3rd shot. Navy photos.
04OCT73: Close-up right front view of the jet weather seeder pod on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. Side view. Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 and HARM missile ready to depart for another test. HARM missile to be loaded on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. Ordies load a HARM missile on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. Close-up of rear cockpit HARM seeker instruments on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848, aka KNOZY. Close-up right side view of HARM seeker mounted in the nose of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848, aka KNOZY. Close-up left side view of HARM seeker mounted in the nose of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848, aka KNOZY. Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848, with a HARM missile launcher mounted on #2. Close-up view of view of HARM missile launcher mounted on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848.Ordies prepare to load a HARM missile on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. 152848 on runway 21 as the Ordies leave after making final adjustments to the HARM missile. Navy photos.
04OCT73: BuNo 152848 being used to test "Seeder Pod". Gary Verver.
JAN74: LCDR Noel Flynn's A-4C 145069 on the ramp with three fuel tanks. R.E. Kling, Mike Wilson collection.
22JAN74: Right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 on the Hot Line with Walleye II Mk-5 ordnance. Close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 with Walleye II Mk-5 ordnance. Navy photos.
09MAR74: BuNo 149969 on the Hot Line with a Walleye II on the stbd side and the ERDL pod on the port side. Close-up right rear view of Walleye II ER on Skyhawk BuNo 149969 on the Hot Line. Navy photos.
02APR74: Skyhawk BuNo 149969 on the Hot Line with a Walleye I on the port side and the ERDL pod on the stbd side. BuNo 149969 on the Hot Line with a Walleye I on the port side and a ERDL pod on the stbd side. Close-up right side view Walleye I ERDL pod on Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Close-up left side view of Walleye I ERDL on Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Close-up of Walleye I ERDL controls on the left cockpit panel of Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Front view of Skyhawk BuNo 149969 on the Hot Line with a Walleye I on the port side and a ERDL pod on the stbd side. Navy photos.
02APR74: Right front view of IWDS China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 parked on the hot line with a huffer and a power cart. Right front view of IWDS China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 parked on the hot line. Navy photos.
04APR74: China Lake A-4E BuNo 149969 on "Grit-Sand" flyover. Pic2 Contact is Gary Verver.
19 MAY 1974: China Lake BuNo 153677 on the ramp. Pic1: Pic2. Photos by A.R. Krieger, from Gary Verver.
19 MAY 1974: Left rear view of NAF China Lake TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 153677 in a training squadron paint scheme at Offutt AFB. Photo by A. R. Krieger.
19 MAY 1974: Left side view of NAF China Lake TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 153677 in a training squadron paint scheme at Offutt AFB. Pic2 Pic3 Pic4 Photos by A. R. Krieger.
18JUN74: left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 as the Ordies makes final adjustments to the HARM missile. Close-up left side view of the HARM missile on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 and pilots as they prepare to take-off with a HARM missile with a balance probe mounted on the missile nose. Close-up left side view of HARM missile balance probe mounted on the #2 pylon of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. Close-up view of HARM missile missile controls in the forward cockpit of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. View of the forward cockpit of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848. close-up view of HARM missile seeker mounted in the nose of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848, aka KNOZY. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848, aka KNOZY, with the HARM missile seeker mounted in the nose making a pass over G Range. Head-on view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848, aka KNOZY, with the HARM missile seeker mounted in the nose. Taxi view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848, aka KNOZY, with the HARM missile seeker mounted in the nose. Navy photos.
04APR74: Unknown A-4 at China Lake.
30MAY74: Left side view of an Mk-83 iron bomb on Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the line. Close-up of left side view of an Mk-83 iron bomb Navy photos.
A-4B, BuNo 142878, at China Lake.
Circa 1974: AO3 R. Patterson AO2 C. Souza arming laser guided 5.0" projectile on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969. AO2 C. Souza AO1 J. Waits have just finished arming a 5.0" laser guided projectile on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Photos from Charlie Souza.
18JUN74: BuNo 152848 at China Lake with a HARM.
Pic 1 BuNo 152848 at China Lake with a HARM, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6 note the "balance probe", Pic 7 HARM "Knozy" in the nose, Pic 8 HARM control panel, Pic 9, Pic 10, Pic 11 Knozy G-range of China Lake, Pic 12, Pic 13, Pic 14, Pic 15, Pic 16 Closeup of 2nd cockpit BuNo 152848 while used for testing HARM.
29 JUN 1974: NAF A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172, location unknown. Photo from Naval Aviation Archives (NAVA) Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com
24SEP74: Harm "KNOZY" instrument panel controls, China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332. BuNo 154332 parked on the hot line with TER's on each outboard wing station. BuNo 154332 parked on the hot line with TER's on each outboard wing station. Navy photos.
15OCT74: IWDS cockpit instrument panel, China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332. Navy photo.
23OCT74: View of Bulldog missiles on Skyhawk BuNo 154172 in hangar #3. Navy photo.
23OCT74: Right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with FAE II and Mk-76 ordnance. Navy photo.
04JUN75: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp with a Walleye IIR on the centerline. Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp close-up of the Walleye IIR on the centerline. Navy photos.
20JUN75: Close-up left side view of Walleye IIR TV guided bomb on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Navy photo.
17JUL75: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154172, pilot and SHRIKE missile. Close-up of left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154172 and SHRIKE missile. Closer close-up. Navy photos.
AUG75: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line. Photo by B. Stewart, G. Verver collection.
22SEP75: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp with the WEMAS pod on the centerline. Navy photo.
13OC75: NWC China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153677. Photographer unknown, G. Verver collection.
22OCT75: In-flight right front view of Skyhawk BuNo 152072 and close-up of laser tracker (circled). Navy photo.
05NOV75: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line with Snoopy nose art. Right front of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line with Snoopy nose art. Close-up view of unknown ordnance on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Close-up view of unknown ordnance on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Navy photos.
13NOV75: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp with a laser guided bomb (LGB) on the centerline. Right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp with a laser guided bomb (LGB) on the station #4. Navy photos.
16 NOV 1975: NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969, open House, Armitage Field, China Lake. Photo by R. R. Leader, Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com
19NOV75: NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969, Open House, Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 November 1975. Photo by R. R. Leader, Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com
01JAN76: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 being towed in hangar #3. Navy photo.
01JAN76: Close-up left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 and Snoopy nose art. Navy photo.
21APR76: Right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp close-up of FAE ordnance on station four. Closeup of FAE. BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp with FAE ordnance. BuNo 148613 parked on the ramp with FAE ordnance. Navy photos.
24AUG76: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with a Walleye IIR mounted on the port side. Left side close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with a Walleye IIR. Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with a Walleye IIR mounted. Navy photos.
14APR77: Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 159485, "Smart Hawk", parked on the ramp. Navy photo, Gary Verver Collection.
14APR77: Head-on view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line. 2nd shot of head-on view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line. Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line. 2nd shot of left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line. Close-up head on view FAE ordnance on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line. Another close-up head on view FAE ordnance on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line. Head-on in-flight view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 making a low pass over RWTR. Side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 making a low pass over RWTR. Navy photos.
01MAY77: Right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with an unknown pod mounted. Close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with an unknown tech on the boarding ladder. Navy photo.
19 MAY 1977: NWC TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152848, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake. Photo from Naval Aviation Archives (NAVA) Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com.
19MAY77: Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the flight line. Photo by Roy Locke via Tailhook Association.
19MAY77: left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line with the HARM missile seeker nose. Photo by R.L. Harrison, G. Verver collection.
19MAY77: Right rear view of Skyhawk BuNo 159485, "Smart Hawk", parked on the Hot Line. Photo by R. Locke via Tailhook Association.
30MAY77: BuNo 148437 on the ramp with intake screens. The info below the canopy is Lt. B. W. Stanton and on the nose gear door AN DEAN and below that CIV W. V. LARNIE. Copyright Garry Sprong.
19JUN78: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152101 parked on the hot line. Photo by Roy Locke via Tailhook Association.
1978: Right front view of the prototype NA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152101 parked on the China Lake ramp with MBER's on the inboard wing stations and a centerline tank. Photographer unknown via W. Mutza.
10AUG77: Close-up ARBS view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 159485, parked in hangar #3. Navy photo, Gary Verver Collection.
1977: BuNo 153677, TA-4J, assigned to NWC China Lake, Nas Pensacola. Gary Verver.
17SEP78: Right side view of Naval Air Engineering Center Skyhawk BuNo 149646 parked on the flight line. Clay Jansson via Tailhook Association.
02OCT78: Close-up left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153677 parked in hangar #3 with a SSS pod on the center line. Closer close-up. Official U.S. Navy photo, G. Verver collection.
JAN79: Right side view of NWC China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153677. Photo by R.E. Kling, G. Verver collection.
MAR 1979: BuNo 152101, an A-4E converted off the production line to the "F" configuration, served as the protype for the "Foxtrot" series of Skyhawks.
MAR79: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152101 parked on the hot line. Photo by P. Minert via Tailhook Association.
MAR79: BuNo 152101, an A-4E converted off the production line to the "F" configuration, served as the prototype for the "Foxtrot" series of Skyhawks. Stephen Miller.
JUN1979: BuNo 156896 taxi. "NWC China Lake acquired the National Parachute Test Range function in 1979 and I am not sure if this was taken before or after the acquisition." Gary Verver. From Verver Collection.
15AUG79: Right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line with the HARM missile seeker nose and the HARM logo painted on the fuselage behind the intake. Close-up. Official U.S. Navy photo, G. Verver collection.
29AUG79: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 in hangar #3 with the HARM missile seeker nose "KNOZY" and the HARM logo painted on the fuselage. Cockpit view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 in hangar #3 with the HARM missile seeker nose "KNOZY". 2nd cockpit view. Official U.S. Navy photos, G. Verver collection.
28OCT79: Right side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the ramp. Photographer unknown, G. Verver collection.
05NOV79: BuNo 152848. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line with Snoopy nose art. Second shot of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969 parked on the Hot Line with Snoopy nose art. Close-up view of unknown ordnance on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 149969. Second shot of close-up view of unknown ordnance. Navy photos.
05NOV79: Left front in flight view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154172, Phoenix flyover. Navy photo.
08NOV79: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152101, Top Gun BuNo 150044, #555, China Lake BuNo 154172 China Lake BuNo 153677 parked on the Hot Line. Navy photo.
08NOV79: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152101, Top Gun BuNo 150044, #555, China Lake BuNo 154172 China Lake BuNo 153677 parked on the Hot Line. Navy photo.
08NOV79: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152101, Top Gun BuNo 150044, #555, China Lake BuNo 154172 China Lake BuNo 153677 parked on the Hot Line. Navy photo.
08NOV79: Right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152101, Top Gun BuNo 150044, #555, China Lake BuNo 154172 China Lake BuNo 153677 parked on the Hot Line. Navy photo.
08NOV79: Left front in-flight view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154172, Phoenix flyover. Navy photo.
28NOV79: partial view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153677 parked in hangar #3. Laser guided Maverick loader in the foreground. Noseless China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 153677 parked in hangar #3. Laser guided Maverick loader in the foreground. Official U.S. Navy photos, G. Verver collection.
Circa 1980s: A-4 Skyhawk fuselages and tail sections including BuNos 139969 and 142142 located in the Weapons Survivability Lab aircraft compound. USAF F-89J Scorpion at upper right is s/n 52-1927. Photo © Ron Cheshire via Duncan Curtis.
1980: Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line with the HARM missile seeker nose and with a HARM logo painted on the fuselage behind the intake. Photo by C.T. Robbins, G. Verver collection.
MAY80: Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332, parked on the ramp with a pair of drop tanks and the HARM seeker nose. Photo by Scott Van Aken. Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332, parked on the ramp with a pair of drop tanks and the HARM seeker nose. Photographer unknown, G. Verver collection. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332, parked on the ramp with a pair of drop tanks and the HARM missile seeker nose. Photo by Bob Shane, G. Verver collection.
1980: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152102 parked on the Hot Line with ZUNI 5" FFAR launchers. Prototype A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152101 assigned to the China Lake Naval Air Facility. C.T. Robbins.
1980: Right side view of Skyhawk BuNo 154172 parked on the Hot Line with ZUNI launchers. Photo by C.T. Robbins, G. Verver collection.
JUN80: Right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160245, with AGM-65E Maverick missiles. Pilot is USMC MAJ John Bland. Photo via LCDR Rick Burgess, USN Retd.
05AUG80: Head-on view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152101 and tug. Navy photo.
18AUG80: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 F-GASS KNOZY pod parked in hangar #3. Close-up right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 F-GASS KNOZY pod in hangar #3. Close-up left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 HARM missile "KNOZY" nose in hangar #3. Close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 HARM missile "KNOZY" instrument panel. Close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 HARM missile "KNOZY" stbd console. Navy photos.
01JAN81: Close-up right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line with the HARM missile seeker nose "KNOZY" next to a pilot and two ground crew. Per Bill Egen, pilot is Major General Jon A. Gallinetti, USMC RETD. Here his name tag says "Captain".
JUN81: NWC China Lake TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with HARM seeker nose in-flight.
16OCT81: Left front in flight view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160245, VX-5 A-7C Corsair II BuNo 160722, XE-05 VX-5 A-6E Intruder BuNo 157014, XE-22. Navy photo.
12 FEB 1982: Blue Angels TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 158722, on the ramp at NAF China Lake. Rocketeer photo.
30MAY82: NAS Lakehurst NTA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152102, on the ramp next to an unknown RA-5C Vigilante, NAS Lakehurst, 30 May 1982. Photo by W. Carmody.
01OCT82: Left side close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 158169 Sidearm missile parked on the flight line. Left front close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 158169 Sidearm missile parked on the flight line. Left side close-up view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 158169 pilot Sidearm missile parked on the flight line. Official U.S. Navy photos, G. Verver collection.
NOV82: Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 configured with two drop tanks as she taxies by the photographer. Photographer unknown, G. Verver collection.
20JAN83: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 and BIGEYE mix-mstr on the taxiway. Navy photo.
16JUN83: Head-on in flight view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160245 and two China Lake F/A-18A Hornets over Olancha peak. Closer in-flight view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160245 over Rose Valley. Navy photos.
21JUN83: NWC A-4 Skyhawk formation: TA-4F BuNo 152848, TA-4F BuNo 154332, A-4M 160245 unknown A-4M, Change of Command flyover, 21 June 1983. Navy photo.
1983: Right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160245 parked on the Hot Line. Photo by C.T. Robbins, G. Verver collection.
28JUL83: Close-up right front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 HARM missile seeker nose "KNOZY". Close-up No.2 Close-up No.3 Cockpit right console view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 HARM missile seeker nose "KNOZY". cockpit instrument panel view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 HARM missile seeker nose "KNOZY". Cockpit view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 HARM missile seeker nose "KNOZY". Navy photos.
OCT83: Lft front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160245 parked on the flight line at an open house. Photo by C.T. Robbins, G. Verver collection.
NOV83: left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 with HARM seeker nose parked on the ramp. Photo by J. Jacobs via Tailhook Association.
04NOV83: China Lake 40th Anniversary Flyover formation over Mike Lab.China Lake 40th Anniversary Flyover formation over Ridgecrest, CA. China Lake 40th Anniversary Flyover formation over Armitage Field. China Lake 40th Anniversary Flyover formation over one of the China Lake Ranges. Official U.S. Navy photos, G. Verver collection.
05NOV83: Right front view of China Lake A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160245, QF-86F Sabre s/n 55-3846 QF-86F Sabre s/n 55-5052 parked on the Hot Line. Official U.S. Navy photo, G. Verver collection.
05 NOV 1983: China Lake TA-4F BuNo 152848. Bob Niedermeier.
Circa 1983-84: left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332, "KNOZY", inside hangar 3 in two tone gray with muted markings with a HARM seeker nose attached. © photo with permission from Bob Vogel.
APR84: BuNo 160249 of NWC China Lake. Photo from Jan Jacobs and Tailhook.
APR84: LCDR Dave Pate's TA-4F BuNo 152102 parked on the ramp at Sheppard AFB. C.T. Robbins.
APR84: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332, parked on the ramp west of hangar #3. Photo by J. Jacobs via Tailhook Association.
APR84: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160245, parked on the ramp west of hangar #3. Photo by J. Jacobs via Tailhook Association.
JUL84: LCDR Dave Pate's TA-4F BuNo 152102 parked on the ramp. Unknown, G. Verver collection.
OCT84: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 parked on the ramp with a pair of drop tanks during an open house. Photo by Bob Shane, G. Verver collection. Right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 parked on the ramp with a pair of drop tanks during an open house. Photographer unknown, G. Verver collection.
24NOV84: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line in low vis gray and the NWC screaming eagle insignia on the tail. China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line in low vis gray and the NWC screaming eagle insignia on the tail. Photo by J. Handelman, G. Verver collection.
MAY 1985: BuNo 142235 in storage at the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake. John Freeman
Circa 1985: A-4B BuNo 142892 in the foreground & 142946 in the background after a stint in the fire pit at China Lake. Duncan Curtis.
Circa 1986: China Lake TA-4J BuNo 154332, circa86 at China Lake. Close-up of tail. Probably official U.S. Navy.
10JAN86: Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 in-flight over one of the China Lake ranges. Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332 in-flight over one of the China Lake ranges. Navy photos.
JUL86: Left side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152848 on the flight line with the HARM missile seeker nose and the HARM logo painted on the fuselage behind the intake. Photographer unknown, G. Verver collection.
07AUG87: Right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 159485, "Smart Hawk", over Ridgecrest China Lake. Official U.S. Navy photo, G. Verver collection.
16APR88: BuNo 152102 on display at an open house. Unknown, G. Verver collection.
NOV89: NTA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152102 parked on the ramp. B. Niedermeyer via Tailhook Association.
06AUG93: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 154332, #040, in-flight over one of the China Lake ranges. Navy photo.
21JAN94: Right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152102, #042, aka KNOZY, with the HARM seeker nose in flight over the Sierra's. Closeup in-flight. Pic3 in-flight. Pic4 in-flight. Pic5 in-flight. Pic6 in-flight. Pic8 in-flight. Pic9 in-flight. Pic10 in-flight. Pic11 in-flight. Pic12 in-flight. Pic13 in-flight. Pic14 in-flight. Pic15 in-flight. Pic16 in-flight. Pic17 in-flight. Navy photos.
DEC95: NAWS China Lake BuNo 137818 at rest in the museum's aircraft compound. AIRFOTO.
DEC95: TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152102 in flight over the Sierras with AV-8B Harrier BuNo 163854 (85), A-6E Intruder 155698 (608) and F/A-18C Hornet BuNo 163429 (108). Pic2 a href="/sites/default/files/images-buno-152102-153690/152102i3.jpg">Pic3 AIRFOTO.
DEC 1995 NWC China Lake: TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152102 (042) in flight over the Sierras with AV-8B Harrier BuNo 163854 (85), A-6E Intruder 155698 (608) and F/A-18C Hornet BuNo 163429 (108). Pic1, Pic2, Pic3, Pic4 TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152102 (042) in flight over the Sierras with AV-8B Harrier BuNo 163854 (85), A-6E Intruder 155698 (608) and F/A-18C Hornet BuNo 163429 (108). Another shot.
TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152102 (042) in flight over the Sierras.
Pic1; Pic2; Pic3 ; Pic4. AIRFOTO © Joe Cupido.
JAN 1996: Pic1137826 and unknown A-4 fuselages at China Lake Area R. Pic2 overhead shot. 137826 in Area R. AIRFOTO © Joe Cupido.
02JAN96: Left front view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152102, #042, aka KNOZY, with the HARM seeker nose in flight against the Sierras. Navy photo.
21JAN96: BuNo 152102 in-flight over the Sierra's. Navy photo.
FEB 1996: 142892 at the China Lake WSL firefighting area. A-4B BuNo 142892 in the foreground & 142946 in the background after a stint in the fire pit at China Lake. AIRFOTO © Joe Cupido. Skeleton of 142892.
NOV97: BuNo 145067 at rest in one of the China Lake bone-yards. AIRFOTO.
MAY 1998: NAWS 152012 and 154332 (040) at the aircraft compound on the south side of the China Lake airfield. Pic2 TA-4F BuNo 152102, #042, and TA-4F BuNo 154332, #040, at rest in the China Lake Museum's aircraft compound awaiting restoration. AIRFOTO © Joe Cupido.
MAY 1998: BuNo 142120 on display at the Weapons Survivability Lab. at NAWC China Lake. From Gary Verver. BuNo 142120 on display at the Weapons Survivability Lab at NAWC China Lake. From AIRFOTO.
JUN98: Skyhawk BuNo 144976 on a trailer in the SNORT aircraft compound at China Lake. AITFOTO, © Joe Cupido.
JUN98: BuNo 137825 at rest in the SNORT aircraft compound. AIRFOTO.
Y2002: BuNo 152101 042 at China Lake awaiting restoration in the China Lake Museums aircraft compound for display there. Goletta Air Space Museum.
24-25JUL02: BuNo 142120 on display at the Weapons Survivability Lab at NAWC China Lake. From Gary Verver.
03MAR03: BuNo 137818 at rest on the Superior Valley Range. Gleen Gerdes photo.
15OCT04: Right front view of NTA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152012 configured with drop tanks on the out-board wing pylons on display at the Museum of Armament and Technology. Head-on view of NTA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152012 configured with drop tanks on the outboard pylons on display at the Museum of Armament and Technology. Pic3 Photos by Gary Verver.
08 AUG 2007: BuNo 142948 meets a sad ending as a target at China Lake. Gary Verver Collection
NWC: NWC China Lake TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154332 with HARM seeker nose in-flight. Official U.S. Navy, Gary Verver Collection
BuNo 160264 - The Last of the Best at NAF China Lake
13JUL79: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160264, #2960, parked on the ramp with a pair of drop tanks. Pic 2. Pic 3. Navy photos.
17NOV79: Right side view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160264 parked on the ramp. Photo by B. Rogers, G. Verver collection.
14NOV79: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160264, #2960, in-flight over the Sierras with Hughes AGM-65E Maverick missiles. Pic2:Pic3; Pic 4; Pic 5; Pic 6; Pic 7; Pic 8; Pic 9; Pic 10; Pic 11; Navy Photos.
28NOV79: China Lake BuNo 160264, #2960, and a USAF laser guided Maverick missile loader.

Right side close-up view of a USAF laser guided Maverick missile being loaded on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160264, #2960 at NWC China Lake. 2nd right side close-up view of a USAF laser guided Maverick missile being loaded on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160264, #2960 at NWC China Lake. Front close-up view of a USAF laser guided Maverick missile being loaded on China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160264, #2960 at NWC China Lake. Head-on close-up view of a USAF laser guided Maverick missile being loaded on China Lake BuNo 160264, #2960. Navy photos from Gary Verver.
16FEB80: Left rear view of China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 160264, parked on the ramp. Photo from C. Eddy.
Off-Duty Photos
Gary Verver, longtime Association Member and by-far the biggest Skyhawk photo contributor to this site. He also has championed the effort to identify every Skyhawk loss along with any associated crew loss. He has his own web site with many images of his time in the Navy at NAF China Lake.