Non-U.S.A. Skyhawks


From Douglas Poster courtesy of Gary Vever

Brazil is not on the poster because the poster was printed prior to their purchase of Skyhawks.

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DEC 2015:. The Argentina Air Force and Brazil's Navy are upgrading and flying Skyhawks!
Indonesia, Kuwait, Australia, Malaysia, and New Zealand Skyhawks are confirmed as gone; ‘pedestal’, ‘museum’, scrapped, sold or otherwise. Some of the Kuwaiti aircraft are flying with the Brazilians . Some of the Australian aircraft were picked up, used and later retired by New Zealand… but 8 of those will now see new life, having been acquired by Draken International. Malaysia retired their Skyhawks too, but some 40 airframes were left in the Arizona desert as a parts supply and some of those are finding life with civilians. Finally, the Singapore Skyhawks are now gone as well. There are about 44 Israeli and a small number of Singapore Skyhawks currently on the market for any patient folks with deep pockets. More Israeli Skyhawks will hit the market over the next 2 years as they start receiving their Aermacchi M-346 replacements.

Argentina - Air Force
FEB Y2011 Est: 10 A-4AR / 2 OA-A4AR
Brazil - Navy
JUN Y2014 Est: 2 AF-1B / 3 AF-1C

These nations flew the Skyhawk in various variants, until their retirement.

Argentina Navy Australia Indonesia Israel - Air Force
Kuwait Malaysia New Zealand Singapore

Douglas offered the Skyhawk to several nations that decided not to purchase it. Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, India's Navy, Lebanon, The Netherlands and Switzerland either requested and/or received proposals from Douglas. Douglas artist R.G. Smith produced drawings for these proposals, some in unusual color schemes.

Belgium Canada France Greece Indian Navy Lebanon Netherlands Switzerland

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