Some Skyhawk Information Sources |
Picture of the Boeing Plant in the background.![]() |
July 1921: First Plane = Cloudster. 1952; Douglas contracted by the U.S. Navy to build prototype XA4D-1. The Big and Little of it; for Naval Aviation.
1967, April 28: Merger - McDonnell-Douglas Corporation. |
Below: Douglas Aircraft El Segundo Division displays its products during an open house on 14 November 1954. Area B of Los Angeles AFB now occupies the area pictured here. The aircraft paint booth in the background was modified to create Building 219, the People Center. The airplanes shown are (left to right) AD-5 Skyraider, AD-6 Skyraider, A4D Skyhawk, A3D Skywarrior, F4D Skyray, F3D Skyknight, and A2D Skyshark. Note: Boeing Photo and given the date the A4D is BuNo 137812 thru 137815. ![]() Ed Heinemann's light attack design resulted in the production of 2,960 Skyhawks |
Mockup of 13782 Starboard Side Port Side Naval Aviation News "New Concept" |
A-4s for the 70s Page 1 A-4s for the 70s Page 2 A-4s for the 70s Page 3 A-4s for the 70s Page 4 A-4s for the 70s Page 5 Thirty Years of Flight Page 1 Thirty Years of Flight Page 2 Thirty Years of Flight Page 3 Thirty Years of Flight Page 4 Skyhawk Production Ends Page 1 Skyhawk Production Ends Page 2 Skyhawk Production Ends Page 3 Skyhawk Production Ends page 4 Skyhawk Production Ends Page 5 |
Setting the Speed Record |
Douglas Production Photo Page. |
Douglas Aircraft Company Bibliography, Douglas Aircraft Company, Douglas Personalities, Douglas Airplanes, and some McDonnell Douglas Harry S. Gann (updates by "Gabby" Gabbard) This bibliography is limited to the subjects indicated. Those that pertain specifically to McDonnell or missile and space products are not included. However some items are included that are of a general nature but would be of help to a researcher concerned about the Douglas Aircraft Company. A. References that cover Douglas Aircraft Company in a general manner. 1. Yenne, Bill; MCDONNELL DOUGLAS A TALE OF TWO GIANTS; Bison Books, 176 Old Brompton Road, London SW5, England; 1985; 256 pages 2 Francillon, Rene: MCDONNELL DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT SINCE 1920, VOLUME 1; Putnam Aeronautical Books; 9 Bow Street, London WC2E 7AL; 1988; 617 pages 3. Francillon, Rene; MCDONNELL DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT SINCE 1920, VOLUME 2; Putnam Aeronautical Books; 9 Bow Street, London WC2E 7AL 1990, 482 pages. Items 2 and 3 were first published as one volume in 1979, They are also published by the Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, 21402 4. Ingells, Douglas J; THE MCDONNELL DOUGLAS STORY; Aero Publisher Inc, 329 West Aviation Rd, Fallbrook CA 92028; 1979; 305 pages 5. Meakin, Bob; SERVICE INFORMATION SUMMARY, DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO; Douglas; 1961; 160 pages Written to commemorate the 50th anniversary of U S Naval Aviation and the part that Douglas Aircraft Co played in that history. 6. ---------; MCDONNELL DOUGLAS 50 YEARS IN LONG BEACH; Long Beach Business Journal for the Douglas Historical Foundation; 1990; 82 pages 7. Heinemann, E.F. and Rausa, Rosario; ED HEINEMANN COMBAT AIRCRAFT DESIGNER; U S Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD 21402; 1980; 277 pages 8. Pearcy, Arthur; DOUGLAS PROPLINERS DC-1-DC-7; Airlife Publishing Ltd, 101 Longden Road, Shrewsbury SY3 9EB England; 1995, 160 pages 9. Morrison, W H; DONALD W DOUGLAS A HEART WITH WINGS; Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa; 1991; 265 pages 10. Cunningham, Frank; SKYMASTER; Dorrance & Co, Philadelphia, PA; 1943; 321 pages 11. Biddle, Wayne; BARONS OF THE SKY; Simon & Schuster, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY, 10020; 1991; 367 pages 12. Maynard, Crosby; FLIGHT PLAN FOR TOMORROW; Douglas Aircraft Co; 1966; 92 pages 13. Bridgeman, Williams & Hazard, Jacqueline; THE LONELY SKY; Henry Holt & Co, NY; 1955; 316 pages. Biography of a Douglas Test Pilot 14. Harwood, W.B. RAISE HEAVEN AND EARTH THE STORY OF MARTIN MARIETTA PEOPLE AND THEIR PIONEERING ACHIEVEMENTS; Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, NY NY 10020 656 pages. This is basically a story of Glenn L Martin and his company, however it does cover the early association between Douglas and Martin 15. Norton, D. J.; LARRY A BIOGRAPHY OF LAWERENCE D BELL; Nelson-Hall, , 111 N Canal St, Chicago, IL, 60606, 260 pages. This is the biography of Bell, however it includes the early association of Douglas, Bell and Martin. 16. -------MCDONNELL DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY 1ST 75 YEARS, Long Beach Business Journal, 2599 E 28th St Suite 212, Long Beach CA 90806, 96 pages, 1995. 17. Mikesh, Robert C, FLYING DRAGONS, Motorbooks International, Osceola, WI, 54020, 1988, 223 pages, Excellent source on South Vietnamese Force usage of AD Skyraider, A-26 Invader and the C-47 Skytrain. 18. Mesko, Jim, VNAF SOUTH VIETNAMESE AIR FORCE 1945-1975, Squadron Signal Publications, 1115 Crowley Drive, Carrollton, TX, 75011-5010, 1987, 66 pages. Another excellent source of data on the AD Skyraider, the A-26 Invader and the C-47 Skytrain among others as used by the VNAF. B. The Douglas DC-1 -2 and -3 and their military variants 1. History and Research Division, U S Naval Support Force; DAKOTAS IN THE ANTARTIC; Washington D C; 1970; 22 pages 2. Glines, Carroll V. and Mosely, Wendell F.; THE LEGENDARY DC-3; Van Nostrand Rheinhold, NY; 1979; 224 pages 3. Glines, Carroll V. and Mosely, Wendell F.;The DC-3: THE STORY OF A FAMOUS AIRPLANE; Lippincott Co, NY; 1966; 203 pages First published in 1959 with the title “Grand Old Lady: The Story of the DC-3” 4. Gradidge, J. M. C.: THE DC-3 AND ITS PREDECESSORS; Air Britain (Historians) Ltd, 1 East Street, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1HP England: 1984; 674 pages. This is a magnificent compilation of a capsule history of each DC-3 built by factory serial number. 5. Gradidge, J.M.G.; THE DOUGLAS DC-3 AND ITS PREDECESSORS, UPDATE 1; Air Britain (Historians) Ltd, 1 East St, Tonbridge, Kent, England: 1987; 92 pages 6. Gradidge, J.M.G.; THE DOUGLAS DC-3 AND ITS PREDECESSORS UPDATE 2 AND WORLD SURVEY; Air Britain (Historians) Ltd; 1 east St, Tonbridge, Kent, England; 1993, 112 pages.. 7. Ingells, Douglas J.; THE PLANE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD; Aero Publisher, Fallbrook CA; 1966; 247 pages 8. Morgan, Len; THE DOUGLAS DC-3; Famous Aircraft Series, Arco Publishers, 1964; 97 Pages, Includes a copy of the C-47 pilots manual. 9. Pearcy, Arthur, DAKOTA AT WAR; Ian Allan Ltd, London; 1982; 128 pages 10. Pearcy, Arthur; DOUGLAS R4D VARIANTS; Profile Publications Ltd, England; 1973, 22 pages 11. Pearcy, Arthur; FIFTY GLORIOUS YEARS (A TRIBUTE TO THE DOUGLAS DC-3 1935 - 1985); Airlife Publishing Ltd, England; 1985; 168 pages also published in the U S by Aeolus Publishing Ltd, 512-115 W California Ave, Vista CA 92083 12. Pearcy, Arthur: THE DAKOTA; Ian Allan Ltd, England; 1972: 320 pages 13. Pearcy, Arthur; THE DOUGLAS DC-3 (PRE-1942); Profile Publications Ltd, England:19xx, 22 pages Profile Publication #96 14. Pearcy, Arthur; THE DOUGLAS DC-3; Profile Publications Ltd, England: 19xx; 22 pages; Profile Publication #220 15. Pearcy, Arthur; DOUGLAS DC-3 SURVIVORS VOLUME 1; Aston Publication Ltd, Bourne End House, Harvest Hills, Bourne End, Bucks, England; 1987; 218 pages 16. Pearcy, Arthur; DOUGLAS DC-3 SURVIVORS VOLUME 2; Aston Publications Ltd, Bourne End House, Harvest Hills, Bourne End, Bucks, England; 1988; 256 pages 17. O’Leary, Michael; DC-3 AND C-47 GOONEY BIRDS; Motorbooks International, 729 Prospect Ave, Osceola, WI 54020; 1992; 130 pages 18. Bowers, Peter M; THE DC-3 50 YEARS OF LEGENDARY FLIGHT; Tab Books Inc, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214; 1986; 259 pages 19. Davies, Larry: C-47 SKYTRAIN IN ACTION; Squadron/Signal Publication # 149, 1115 Crowlet Dr, Carrollton, TX 75011-5010; 1995; 58 pages 20. Tariel, Yves; L’HISTOIRE DU DOUGLAS DC-3;Charles-Lavauzelle, France; 1985; 145 pages 21. Wolfer, Joachin; FLUGZENGE DU GESCHICHTE MACHTEN DOUGLAS DC-3; Motorbuch Verlag, postfach 103743, 7000 Stuttgart 10, Germany; 1992; 154 pages 22. Moser, Sepp; GESCHICHTE AUR HIMMEL DIE DC-3; Switzerland; 1989; 102 pages 23. Borge,Jacques and Veasnoff, Nicolas; LE DAKOTA; E. P. A.; 1980; 190 pages 24. Holden, Henry; THE DOUGLAS DC-3; Tab Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA; 1991; 205 pages 25. Willing, Martin; BETSY THE STORY OF A DC-3; Self published; 72 pages; The story of Cathay Pacific’s first aircraft. 26. -----------; FOKKER-DOUGLAS DC-2; Nederlandse Vltegtutg Encyclopedie, Uitgave Cockpit,Bennekom, Holland, 1977; 194 pages 27. Davis, Ed, Thompson, Scott and Veronico, Nicholas; DOUGLAS DC-3 60 YEARS AND COUNTING; Aero Vintage Books, P O Box 1508, Elk Grove, CA 95759-1508, 1995, 160 pages 28. **Pearcy, Arthur; SIXTY GLORIOUS YEARS, A TRIBUTE TO THE DOUGLAS DC-3 DAKOTA; Motorbooks Intl., P O Box 2, 729 Prospect Avenue, Oscela, WI 54020 29. Wolfe, Martin; GREEN LIGHT A TROOP CARRIER SQUADRON WAR FROM NORMANDY TO THE RHINE; Center for Air Force History, Washington DC; 1993; 500 pages. Reprinted from 1989 University of Pennsylvania Press. This is the story of a particular Troop Carrier Squadron, but it is an excellent example of the wartime usage of the C-47. 30. Berry, Peter; THE DOUGLAS COMMERCIAL STORY; Air-Britain (Historians) Ltd; Stone Cottage, Great Sampford, Seffron Walden, Essex, England; 1971; 31. Holden, Henry M; THE LEGACY OF THE DC-3, Wind Canyon Publishing, Inc, P O Box 1445 Niceville, FL 32588-1445, 1996, 365 pages. 32. Glines, Carroll V;THE AMAZING GOONEY BIRD; Schiffer Military/Aviation History, Atglen, PA, 1996, 190 pages. 33. ~~Geldhof, N and Kok P:DOUGLAS DC-2,Bonnevolle BV, Dorpsstraat 13, 1861 KT Bergen, The Netherlands, 1997, 335 pages, In Dutch language C. Douglas World Cruiser (DWC) 1. Thomas, L. J. THE FIRST FLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD; Houghton Miffllin Co, New York; 1925; 328 pages D. The Douglas DC-4 1. Woods, John & Maureen: DC-4; Airline Publications & Sales, Noble Corner, Great West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW5 0PA, England, 1980, 105 pages, History of the DC-4 aircraft by serial numbers 2. Berry, Peter, Dunstall, Tom, Ford, Michael, and Whittle, John: THE DOUGLAS DC-4 INCLUDING CANADAIR 4 AND DOUGLAS DC-5, Air-Britain, 66 Long Ridings Avenue, Hutton, Brentwood, Essex, England, 1967, E. The Douglas DC-6/7 Aircraft 1. Macintosh, Ian; DOUGLAS DC-6 PART 1 AND PART 2; Airline Publications & Sales, Noble Corner, Great West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW5 0PA, 1978, 2. Whittle, John; THE DOUGLAS DC-6 AND DC-7 SERIES; Air-Britain Monograph, Stone Cottage, Great Sampford, SaffronWalden, England; 1971; 88 pages 3. Lundkvist, Bo-Goran; DOUGLAS DC-6 & DC-7, Lundkvist Aviation Research, 5975 N.W. 28th St, Sunrise, FL; 1980, 100 pages F. The Douglas A4D (A-4) Skyhawk 1. Peacock, Lindsey; MCDONNELL DOUGLAS A-4 SKYHAWK VARIANTS; Warbook Series #3, Aviation News/Skybook Press Ltd, 48 E 50th St, NY NY, 10022; 1978; 24 page 2. Kilduff, Peter; DOUGLAS A-4 SKYHAWK; Osprey Publishing Ltd, 12-14 Long ACRE, WC2E 9P; 1983; 200 PAGES 3. Gann, H. S.; THE DOUGLAS SKYHAWK; Profile Publications # 102; Profile Publications, Ltd, Surrey, England; 1966; 12 pages 4. Ward, Richard; MCDONNELL DOUGLAS A-4A/L; Arco-Aircam Aviation Series #27; Arco Publications, New York,: 1971, 52 pages. Also published by Osprey Publishing Ltd, P O Box 5, Canterbery, England. 5. Gann, H. S. PLANES OF FAME, VOLUME 4, AIRtime Publishing Inc, 10 Bay Street, Westport CT 06880, 1996, Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Variant Briefing: Part 1, 20 pages 6. Gann, H. S. PLANES OF FAME, VOLUME 5, AIRtime Publishing Inc, 10 Bay Street, Westport, CT 06880, 1997, Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Variant Briefing: Part 2, 20 pages 7. Wilson, Stewart, PHANTOM, HORNET AND SKYHAWK IN AUSTRALIAN SERVICE, Aerospace Publications Pty Ltd, Motorbooks International 729 Prospect Ave,Osceola, WI 54020, 1993, 187 pages 8. --------- FAMOUS AIRPLANES OF THE WORLD #3, Bunrin-Do Co., Ltd, Japan, 1987, 96 pages. G. The Douglas AD (A-1) Skyraider 1. Dorr, Robert F; DOUGLAS A-1 SKYRAIDER; Osbrey Publishing Ltd; 59 Grosvenor St, London W1X 9DA; 1989; 200 pages 2. Dorr, Robert F; THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE SKYRAIDER, THE VIETNAM WAR; Bantam Books: 1988; 158 pages 3. Rausa, Rosario; SKYRAIDER THE DOUGLAS A-1 FLYING DUMP TRUCK; Nautical & Aviation Publishing Co of America, 8 Randall Street, Annapolis, MD 21401; 1982: 239 pages 4. Johnsen, Fred A:DOUGLAS A-1 SKYRAIDER ,A PHOTO CHRONICLE; Schiffer Military Aviation History; Atglen, PA; 1994; 96 pages 5. Sullivan, Jim; SKYRAIDER IN ACTION; Squadron/Signal Publications #60; 1993; 52 pages 6. Jackson, Berkley; DOUGLAS SKYRAIDER; Aero Publisher, Inc, Fallbrook, CA, 1969; 146 pages 7. Birdsall, Steve: THE A-1 SKYRAIDER; Arco Publishing Co, 219 South Park ave South, NY NY, 10003; 1970; 64 pages. 8. Gann, H. S.; THE DOUGLAS SKYRAIDER; Profile Publications # 60; Profile Publications, Ltd, Surrey, England; 1965, 12 pages 9. British Aviation Research Group: A HISTORY OF THE DOUGLAS SKYRAIDER AEW.1, #2(S), B.A.R.G.Publications, 6, Ryde Gardens, Yately, nr. Camberly, Surrey GU17 7PX, United Kingdom, 1974, 56 pages H. The Douglas A3D (A-3) Skywarrier 1. Francillon, Rene and Heinemann, E H; .DOUGLAS A-3 SKYWARRIER; Aerograph 5, Aerofax, Arlington TX 1987; 136 pages 2. Sullivan, James; A-3 SKYWARRIER; Squadron/Signal publication #148; 1115 Crowley Drive, Carrollton TX 75011-5010; 1995; 52 pages I. The Douglas DC-8 1. Hubler, Richard G; BIG EIGHT; Duel Sloan & Pearce, NY; 1960: 244 pages 2. Waddington, Terry, DOUGLAS DC-8, GREAT AIRLINERS VOLUME 2, World Transport Press,Inc, P O Boc 521238,Miami FL 33152-1238, 1996, 145 pages J. The McDonnell Douglas DC-9/MD-80/MD-90 1. Pearcy, Arthur: DOUGLAS DC-9; Airflite Publishing Ltd, England; 1993; 69 pages 2. Endres, Gunter; MCDONNELL DOUGLAS DC-9/MD-80/MD-90; Ian Allan Ltd; Shepperton, Surrey, England; 1991; 98 pages 3. Smith, P. R.; DOUGLAS DC-9 & MCDONNELL DOUGLAS MD-80; Janes Publishing Co Ltd, 238 City Road, London, EC1V 2PU; 1987; 64 pages K. The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 1. --------; DC-10 JETLINER; Aero Publisher, Fallbrook CA; 1973; 72 pages 2. Shaw, Robbie; MCDONNELL DOUGLAS DC-10; Ian Allan Publishing; 64 pages 3. Lucas, Jim; DC-10; Airlines and Airliners #10, Airline Publications & Sales Ltd, Nobel Corner, Great West Road, hounslow, Middlesex, England; 1973, 23 pages; Serial number listing of DC-10’s by user L. The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 1. Marriott, Leo: MCDONNELL DOUGLAS MD-11; Modern Civil Aircraft:12; Ian Allan Publishing,Shepperton, Surrey, England; 1992; 80 pages M. Douglas A-20/DB-7 1. Mesko, Jim; A-20 HAVOC IN ACTION; Squadron/Signal Publication #144; 1115 Crowley Drive, Carrollton, TX 75011-5010; 1994; 50 pages 2. Hess, William; A-20 BOSTON AT WAR; Ian Allan Publishing, London, 1979; 130 pages 3. Gann, H.S.; THE DOUGLAS A-20 (7A TO BOSTON III); Profile Publication # 202, Profile Publications, Ltd, Surrey England; 1967, 12 pages N. Douglas A-26 Invader 1. Mesko, Jim A-26 INVADER IN ACTION; Squadron/Signal Publication # 37; 1115 Crowley Dr, Carrollton, TX 75006; 1980; 52 pages 2. Mesko, Jim; A-26 INVADER IN ACTION; Squadron/Signal Publication #134; 1115 Crowley Dr, Carrollton, TX, 75011-5010; 1993; 52 pages 3. Hagedorn, Dan & Hellstrom, Leif; FOREIGN INVADERS; Midland Publishing; 24 The Hollow, Earl Shilton, Leicester, England; 1994; 200 pages O. Douglas F3D Skyknight 1. Ginter, Steve; DOUGLAS F3D SKYKNIGHT; Naval Fighters #4; Ginter, 1754 Warfield Cir., Simi Valley, CA 93063; 1982; 83 pages P. Douglas F4D Skyray 1. Williams, Nick & Ginter, Steve; DOUGLAS F4D SKYRAY; Naval Fighters #13; S. Ginter, 1754 Warfield Cir, Simi Valley, Ca 93063; 1986; 191 pages Q. Douglas SBD/A-24 Dauntless 1. Stern, Rob; SBD DAUNTLESS IN ACTION; Squadron/Signal Publications # 64; 1115 Crowley Dr, Carrollton, TX, 75011-5010; 1982; 52 pages 2. Tillman, Barrett; THE DAUNTLESS DIVE BOMBER OF WORLD WAR II; Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD; 1976, 232 pages 3. Kinzey, Bert; SBD DAUNTLESS IN DETAIL AND SCALE, Detail & ScaleKalmbach Publishing Co, 21027 Crossroads Circle, P O Box 1612, Waukesha,Wisconsin; 1995, 72 pages. R. Douglas TBD Devastator 1. Jackson, B.R. & Doll, T.E. DOUGLAS TBD-1 DEVASTATOR; Aero Series #23; Aero Publisher, 329 Aviation Road, Fallbrook, Ca, 92028; 1973; 54 pages 2. Adcock, Al; TBD DEVASTATOR IN ACTION; Squadron/Signal Publication #97; 1115 Crowley Dr, Carrollton, Tx, 75011-5010; 1989, 52 pages S. Douglas B-66 Destroyer 1. Francillon, Rene & Roth, Mick; DOUGLAS B-66 DESTROYER; Aerofax Minigraph #19; Aerofax, Inc, P O Box 200006, Arlington TX 76006; 1988; 50 pages T. Douglas A2D Skyshark 1. Markgraf, Gerry; Douglas Skyshark, Naval Fighters Number 43, Steve Ginter, 1754 Warfield Cir., Simi Valley CA 93063, 1997, 82 pages U. Non-specific references on Douglas and their products. 1. Various authors; JANE’S ALL THE WORLD’S AIRCRAFT; Jane’s Information Group Ltd; Sentinal House, 163 Brighton Road, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 2NH, Great Britain. This publication started in 1910 and is published annually. It is the leading source of data pertaining to aircraft description, size and performance. 2. Various authors and editors; AEROSPACE YEAR BOOK, ALSO KNOWN AS AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK; Various publishers; Aircraft Year Books were initially issued in 1922 and were an annual publication that listed the products with a three view drawing, company officers and a brief financial report. These publications ceased after the 1970 edition. 3. Davies, R E G; Ron Davies has published numerous books relating to aviation transportation. Three that are particularly valuable regarding the part played by the Douglas Aircraft company are: HISTORY OF THE WORLDS AIRLINES; Initially published in 1964 but has been reprinted as late as 1983, Oxford University Press, London, 591 pages. AIRLINES OF THE UNITED STATES SINCE 1914; Originally published by Putnam, London in 1972; reprinted by the Smithsonian Institute Press 1n 1982; 746 pages. AIRLINES OF LATIN AMERICA SINCE 1919; Putnam & Company Ltd, 9 Bow Street, London WC2E 7AL; first published in 1984; 698 pages