Warriors and Warbirds Inc.

Warriors and Warbirds Inc., Monroe NC.


Warriors and Warbirds Inc. Web Site.

148509 A4D-2N 12702 05/16/61 BAR M&S El Segundo, CA
148509 A4D-2N 12702 08/17/61 VMA-242 NS Roosevelt Roads, PR
148509 A4D-2N 12702 11/30/61 VMA-242 MCAS Cherry Point, NC
148509 A4D-2N 12702 07/10/62 O&R BUWEPS FR MCAS Cherry Point, NC
148509 A4D-2N 12702 07/18/62 O&R BUWEPS FR NAS Norfolk, VA
148509 A4D-2N 12702 09/04/62 O&R BUWEPS FR NAS Quonset Point, RI
148509 A-4C 12702 11/30/62 Re-designate A-4C
148509 A-4C 12702 04/10/64 VA-44 NAS Cecil Field, FL
148509 A-4C 12702 10/05/67 VA-83 USS Shangri La (11-15-67 to 08-04-68 - CVW-8 - CVA 38 - - A-4C- - - Mediterranean)
148509 A-4C 12702 02/02/68 VA-83 USS John F Kennedy
148509 A-4C 12702 01/14/69 VA-83 NAS Cecil Field, Fl
148509 A-4C 12702 02/19/70 MARTD NAS Los Alamitos, CA
148509 A-4C 12702 03/01/71 MARTD MCAS El Toro, CA
148509 A-4C 12702 06/07/71 MASDC Davis-Mothan AFB, Tucson, AZ

Custodian: AMARC
BuNo: BuNo 148590
Modex: 5L-5
Location: Davis Monthan
Date: August 1967
Contact: G. Verver
Photo Credit: Nick Williams
right front view of VMA-134 Skyhawks BuNo 148509 on the ramp at Davis Monthan with tail codes AB and 5L and side number of '5'.

148509 A-4C 12702 05/15/73 Stricken : 3S

148509: N204AT A-4C - The resurrection (restoration) of BuNo. 148509

Re-mating the cockpit section to the wing sections, and it is a tight fit. Joe Atkins of Warriors and Warbirds Inc. asked the Association for help, when the two sections did not want to mate. Aid was provided, and the two sections were re-united.

Picture one of putting 148509 back together at the musuem.
Picture two of putting 148509 back together at the musuem.
Picture three of putting 148509 back together at the musuem.

Working to fit the forward fuselage to the wing section.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7
Pic 8
Pic 9


Warriors and Warbirds Inc., Monroe NC.

Warriors and Warbirds Inc. Web Site.

148509 A4D-2N 12702 05/16/61 BAR M&S El Segundo, CA
148509 A4D-2N 12702 08/17/61 VMA-242 NS Roosevelt Roads, PR
148509 A4D-2N 12702 11/30/61 VMA-242 MCAS Cherry Point, NC
148509 A4D-2N 12702 07/10/62 O&R BUWEPS FR MCAS Cherry Point, NC
148509 A4D-2N 12702 07/18/62 O&R BUWEPS FR NAS Norfolk, VA
148509 A4D-2N 12702 09/04/62 O&R BUWEPS FR NAS Quonset Point, RI
148509 A-4C 12702 11/30/62 Re-designate A-4C
148509 A-4C 12702 04/10/64 VA-44 NAS Cecil Field, FL
148509 A-4C 12702 10/05/67 VA-83 USS Shangri La (11-15-67 to 08-04-68 - CVW-8 - CVA 38 - - A-4C- - - Mediterranean)
148509 A-4C 12702 02/02/68 VA-83 USS John F Kennedy
148509 A-4C 12702 01/14/69 VA-83 NAS Cecil Field, Fl
148509 A-4C 12702 02/19/70 MARTD NAS Los Alamitos, CA
148509 A-4C 12702 03/01/71 MARTD MCAS El Toro, CA
148509 A-4C 12702 06/07/71 MASDC Davis-Mothan AFB, Tucson, AZ

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