VMA-211 |
Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO).
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![]() VMA-211 Avengers MAGEX 80 |
![]() VMA-211 Avengers WESTPAC 2000 |
![]() VMA-211 Avengers Helmund |
![]() VMFA-211 Avengers QAR |
![]() VMFA-211 Avengers Plane Captain |
![]() VMFA-211 Avengers F-35 |
Patch Several variations, times unknown |
Sources William Egen Todd Frommelt David Weber Captain Tom Hanson, USMC (Ret.) Masaaki Hayakawa Takafumi Hiroe Jimmy Little Frank J. Mirande C. J. Tapia Lore Wiseman Toda Yasunori Barbara Layton Scheibel Lt.Col Russ Dyer USMC (ret) Captain Dave Swaney USMC (ret) Captain "Nanners" Foster John Gabbard William D. Day |
Wake Island Avengers Heritage 1937 - - - - - - - - - - 4M Jan. 1941 - - - - - - - VMF-211 1952 - - - - - - - - - - VMA-211 |
Home Ports
1937 - - - - - - - - NAS San Diego, California Jan. 1941 - - - - - Hawaii 1958 - - - - - - - - MCAS El Toro, California. Aug. 1976 - - - - - MCAS El Toro, California. 1987 - - - - - - - - MCAS Yuma, Arizona. |
Date Type First Received - - - - - - Type of Aircraft: 1952-57- - - - - - - - - - - - - Douglas AD-4B Skyraider 30 November 1958 - - - - - - - - Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk * 13 November 1957 - - - - - - - - Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk * 11 April 1960 - - - - - - - - - -Douglas A4D-2N (A-4C) Skyhawk * 16 january 1964- - - - - - - - - Douglas A4D-5 (A-4E) Skyhawk * 3 August 1976- - - - - - - - - - Douglas A-4M Skyhawk 1990- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -AV-8B Harrier * November 30, 1962 The A4D-1 designation changed to A-4A The A4D-2 designation changed to A-4B The A4D-2N designation changed to A-4C The A4D-5 designation changed to A-4E For A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to this unit see lower in this page: |
Air Wings
Tail Code CF |
Nov. 1941 - - - - - - - - - 1949 - Pacific Theater of Operations July, 1959- - - - - - - - - NAS Atsugi Naval Air Station, Japan ? March 1962- - - - - - - - - MCAS Iwakuni, Japan 1962- - - - - - - - - - - - Laos Dec 1965 - Jul 1966 - - - - Chu Lai, South Vietnam Oct 1966 - 1967 - - - - - - Chu Lai, South Vietnam 1967 - Nov 1970 - - - - - - Chu Lai, South Vietnam May 1972 - Jan 1973 - - - - Bien Hoa, South Vietnam January 1973- - - - - - - - Iwakuni, Japan 1974- - - - - - - - - - - - NAS Cubi Point, Phillipines Jun 2004- - - - - - - - - - Iwakuni, Japan. (Deployed Detachment of 6 A/C) |
Commanding Officers
Date Assumed Command - - - - - - - Commanding Officer 04 Sep 1957 LtCol Harold A. Eisele |
Awards No info yet |
No info yet |
Events 1937: As Fighter Squadron 4M, the unit flew Grumman F-3F aircraft. Jan. 1941: Stationed in Hawaii, the unit was redesignated VMF-211 and flew the Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat. Nov. 1941: VMF-211 moved their Wildcats from Hawaii to Wake Island where they fought the Japanese in the following months until they were overcome. The surviving off-island personnel became the heart of a rebuilt unit named the "Avengers". They flew the F-4U Corsair throughout the remainder of WWII. 1952: While aboard the U.S.S. Coral Sea, the unit was redesignated VMA-211 1955-1956: VMA-211 and VMA-225 were components of MAG-14, Second Marine Aircraft Wing and were detached from Cherry Point to a facility some 65 miles north at NAAS Edenton, NC. Sept. 1957: It was in Sept. 57 that they (VMA-211) transitioned from the AD-4B to the A4. Their first A4D-1 (A4) Skyhawk was delivered by Major John Coffman, Group LSO and a member of 211. VMA-211's tail code at that time was AF, and they painted their rudders in alternating peppermint stick like red and white stripes, prompting us to refer to them as "Candy Asses." VMA-211 retaliated by referring to us as Wandering Idiots. A reference to our "WI" tail code. Provided by Bill Holmes, Pilot in VMA-225 1957: VMA-211 left Edenton in 1957 for WestPac, Iwakuni, 1stMAW, until spring 1959 in which they left Iwakuni for CONUS with aircraft (cacooned) on a jeep carrier. They off-loaded at North Island. April 10, 1958: 1st Lt. James G. Cowart Jr. walked away unhurt when his A4D-1 BuNo 142093 crashed and burned on take-off Thurs.at NAAS Edenton. Charleston Daily Mail, Charleston, WV, Friday, April 11, 1958. I was a pilot in his squadron and saw the accident. It was a VMA-211 A4D-1. Jim aborted takeoff when he was Number 2 in a section takeoff from Edenton MCAAF, North Carolina. He went off the end of the runway at about 100 knots, went into the trees, and exploded in a ball of fire. When the fire truck got there the plane was still burning and was pretty much melted down. They found Jim behind a pine tree, peering at the fire, and in shock. He had amnesia and could not remember how he got out of the aircraft. Jim said the reason he aborted was that the lead pilot, Capt. Warfield, had become airborne and was climbing while Jim was still runway bound. So, he thought he had something wrong with the J-65 engine and made a last-minute decision to abort the takeoff. The accident investigation indicated that the aircraft had a low nose wheel oleo, causing a low angle of attack while on the ground. That in combination with too much nose down trim kept him glued to the deck longer than usual. Larry Holdridge, former Capt., USMC. July 17, 1959: VMA 211 A4D-1 sited at Atsugi Naval Air Station, Japan. This information provided by Toda Yasunori of Miyaginoku, Sendai, Japan on July 7, 2002. See picture in Photo Album. November 28, 1959: 1st Lt. Larry L. Bagwell ejected safely and was rescued within minutes by Japanese fishermen when his Skyhawk (A4D-1 BuNo 142188) crashed in Japan's Inland Sea. Pacific Stars & Stripes, 28 November 1959. January 14, 1960: 1st Lt. Victor D. Steele ditched successfully when VMA-211 Avengers A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 142206, CF-17, lost power in the FMLP pattern at NAS Iwakuni, 14 January 1960. #1 in the pattern was Capt. Charles Newmark in CF-11, #2 was CF-17, #3 was Capt. Reginald Havill in CF-8, Capt. Batt in CF-10. VMA-11 AAR 1-60. My grandfather Victor Denfrey Steele was a naval aviator and flew A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 142206 the day it crashed on 1/14/1960. The crash was ultimately determined to be an engine failure of some kind. I have attached the photos and report that my father sent me. He was a 22-year-old First Lieutenant at the time, he retired roughly 20 years later as a LCol. and passed away in May of 2008. Kevin Steele. August 8, 1961: Capt. Hugh W. Bergey, 29, and 2nd Lt. Nolvie M. Adams, 24, were killed when their Skyhawks (A4D-2N BuNo 147791 and A4D-2N BuNo 148477) sideswiped each other just after simultaneous takeoff from MCAS El Toro. Idaho State Journal, Wednesday, August 9, 1961. Capt. Hugh W. Bergey, 29, and 2nd Lt. Nolvie M. Adams, 24, were killed when their Skyhawks crashed just after takeoff from MCAS El Toro. The planes reportedly took off simultaneously and hit a ridge situated about a mile and a half beyond the base housing area. It is unknown if the planes collided or if one followed the other into the hill. Long Beach Independent, Wednesday, August 9, 1961. December 18, 1961: 1st Lt. R.C. Bradfield ejected safely when his MCAS El Toro A4D (BuNo 148540) crashed near the Nevada-Arizona state line Wednesday and was rescued by the Nellis AFB SAR helicopter. Reno Evening Gazette, December 14, 1961. March 1962: VMA 211 was the first Skyhawk squadron to trans-pacific from El Toro, California to Iwakuni, Japan. The route was El Toro - Hawaii - Midway - Wake Island - Guam and Iwakuni. Squadron personnel were placed along the route to service aircraft as they landed at different locations across the Pacific. Approximately 20 VMA 211 A4D-2N Skyhawks departed El Toro, California arriving at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan about a week later. At Wake Island there was a brief tribute ceremony to the Marines from VMF 211 that died in 1942 defending Wake Island. 1962 - 1963: During the following 13 months VMA 211 made several deployments to Okinawa and the Philippines. MAY 1962: During VMA 211's Iwakuni deployment about 25 support personnel were loaned to assist VMA-332's flight operation at Udon, Thailand. VMA-332 flew close air support sorties into Laos assisting Air America's operations. VMA-332, had deployed from Atsugi on Air America's request. March 1963: VMA 211 returned to El Toro, California where the Squadron was assigned the A-4E Skyhawk. March 24, 1965: 1st Lt. David A. Tomasko ejected safely from his MCAS El Toro VMA-211 A-4E Skyhawk (BuNo 151132) on Monday after a suspected power failure. The pilot was making a run on the Aux-2 target complex when he experienced a power malfunction. His plane crashed in the desert approximately 10 miles SE of Yuma. The Yuma Daily Sun, Yuma, AZ, Wednesday, March 24, I965. 1966: VMA-211 Capt. Doug Selby and one of the locals. May 1965: I joined VMA-211 in Chu Lia Veitnam until we re-deployed back to Iiakuni Japan in July of 1966. They were in country from May of 1965 till July of 1966. Sgt Tom Pulliam December 29, 1965: 1st Lt. Thomas Farrell Eldridge was killed when his Skyhawk (BuNo 150019) was lost to .50 caliber ground fire while defending a flight of USMC helicopters that came under fire near Minh Long. Wounded in his legs he attempted to return to the airfield but crashed 20 miles north of where he was hit near An Cuoung. This was the 1st USMC combat loss in Vietnam. January 27, 1966: Capt. Doug Selby (USMC) exited uninjured when the JATO bottles (BuNo 151998) misfired on take-off and during his abort he dropped the hook too late to catch the arresting gear. He went off the end and into the mud, which crunched the front of the plane. Once I arrived back in Iwakuni with VMA-214 I saw the airplane sitting near the south end of the runway at ATSUGI on one of my flights up there. From Paul Railsback, 05 February 2016. January 14, 1967: Capt. William Scheuren ejected safely (BuNo 151093) and was rescued after his left main landing gear was sheared when he hit a 500-pound bomb accidentally dropped on the runway by a plane taking off ahead of him. He was about 5,000 feet down the runway at 145 knots when he felt a thump, his wing dropped, and he could see fire in the rear-view mirror. After raising the gear, he had a left main unsafe, declared an emergency and a vector to an ordnance dump area where he jettisoned his bombs. Capt. Grant Wright took off in the dark and rain in another Skyhawk and checked the damage with his landing light and saw that the left wheel had been torn off and the strut bent back at an odd angle. Scheuren chose to eject over the South China Sea and was rescued by 2nd Lt. T.P. O'Toole of HMH-363, Pacific Stars & Stripes, Wednesday, March 8, 1967. February 21, 1967: Capt. R.B. Boorer ejected just over the beach and was rescued by a Navy ship after his Skyhawk (BuNo 151042) was hit by small arms and automatic weapons fire during an attack on a target near Duc Pho. April 12, 1967: Capt. William Clifton Clay, III, failed to eject and was killed when his own bomb detonated on release and blew pieces off of the port wing while attacking a VC strongpoint 15 miles NW of Tam Ky. His remains were recovered on June 6, 1995 and identified on February 19, 1997. Two joint investigations with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1993 and 1995 failed to locate his remains. However, as one U. S. team prepared to leave Vietnam in 1995, they were approached by a local farmer who turned over human remains and associated artifacts. These remains were later identified as those of Capt. Clay. DNA testing was one of the forensic techniques used in the process. June 21, 1967: Capt. W.L. McClesky ejected from his Skyhawk (BuNo 151091) due to material failure/malfunction (engine exploded) and was rescued by helo. From 1st MAW Command Chronology for Jun 67. July 24, 1967: Capt. James G. Burns ejected safely from his Skyhawk (BuNo 151054) and rescued following engine failure on take-off from Chu Lai. Command Chronologies and/or After Action Reports. August 11, 1967: 1st Lt. Kenneth Allen Berube failed to eject and was killed when his Skyhawk (BuNo 151088) was hit by ground fire while providing close air support near Hiep Duc. August 14, 1967: Capt. C.H. Wood ejected and was rescued by helicopter after his Skyhawk (BuNo 151022) was hit by small arms fire during a close air support mission in Military Region I. August 28, 1967: Maj. Charles Franklin Wallace (VMA-121) failed to eject and was killed when his Skyhawk (BuNo 150038) crashed just off the coast when he was hit by AAA two miles N of the DMZ while attacking a AAA site. He was flying with VMA-211 as part of VMA-121 advanced party. December 26, 1967: Maj. Vince Hart ejected and was rescued when the hydraulics failed on a test flight. The Skyhawk (BuNo 151029) crashed into the sea. January 29, 1968: Capt. James Dale Mills failed to eject and was killed when he was hit (BuNo 149976) by small arms fire during a close air support mission near Hoi An, just S of Da Nang. February 25, 1968: Maj. Vince P. Hart ejected (BuNo 150104) and was rescued by helicopter when he was hit by small arms fire during his 4th pass on a enemy village near Hoi An, 10 miles SE of Da Nang. April 19, 1968: Capt. K.E. Cook ejected (BuNo 150063) and was rescued by helicopter about 3 miles out to sea near Hue. He was hit by small arms fire during his 7th pass over a target near Hue. November 5, 1968: Capt J.R. Hammett, III ejected (BuNo 152046) safely and was rescued following engine failure on takeoff. Command Chronologies and/or After Action Report. March 19, 1969: Maj. A.D. Miller ejected (BuNo 151045) and was rescued by a USAF SAR helicopter. His Skyhawk caught fire after it was hit by ground fire while pulling up from his 3rd pass on a target about 5 miles north of Thon Cam Son. March 21, 1969: Six Skyhawks were destroyed at Chu Lai in NVA rocket attack, two from VMA-211 (BuNo 151060 and 151127) and four from VMA-311 (BuNo 150041, 151043, 151124 and 151149.) April 4, 1969: 1st Lt. Ronald Dean Layton was killed when his Skyhawk (BuNo 151993) when it was hit by .30 caliber ground fire on his 3rd attack on a ground target near Phuc Binh, 20-mile SW of Da Nang. His actions during this mission earned him the Distinguished Flying Cross. "Fighter/Attack Squadron 211, Marine Aircraft Group Twelve, First Marine Aircraft Wing in connection with operations against the enemy of the Republic of Vietnam. Early on the afternoon of 4 April 1969, 1st Lt. Layton launched as Section Leader of a flight of two A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to destroy an enemy staging area seventeen miles southwest of DaNang in Quang Nam Province. Arriving over the designated area, he found that visibility was extremely poor due to a heavy ground haze and that friendly units were within 300 meters of the target. Effectively coordinating with the Ground Forward Air Controller, he skillfully maneuvered his aircraft on the initial pass against the hostile position and delivered his ordnance with pinpoint accuracy, causing numerous fires. Undaunted by the threat of enemy fire and the smoke and haze which nearly obliterated the target, he completely disregarded his own safety as he fearlessly maneuvered his Skyhawk into the hazardous area a second time and released his rockets with devastating effectiveness against the hostile position. As his A-4 began its climb out of the dangerous area, it came under intense hostile ground fire and sustained severe battle damage, forcing the aircraft to crash and fatally injuring 1st Lt. Layton. August 2, 1969: Capt. P.H. Courtney ejected (BuNo 150074) two miles off the coast near the DMZ and was rescued by a SAR helicopter. Lost to AAA. His Skyhawk was hit by AAA while rolling in on a target near the DMZ. January 9, 1970: 1st Lt. Dennis Lee Peek was killed when his Skyhawk (BuNo 152802) was hit by ground fire during his 2nd pass attacking enemy troops 20 miles south of Da Nang. September 14, 1970: Maj. Gary R. Grant, 33, was killed Monday when his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 152002) crashed in the Philippines and his memorial service will be held Sunday in the MCAS El Toro chapel. LA Times, Friday, 18 September 1970. Maj. Gary R. Grant, 34, VMA-211 XO, was killed Sept. 14 when the engine of his A-4E Skyhawk failed, and he sustained fatal injuries following ejection. The accident occurred in the Republic of the Philippines where the squadron was deployed from 30 August to 19 September. We were on deployment at Cubi Pt. from MCAS Iwakuni. I was on the accident board but don't remember too much about it except that we had to buy back the ejection seat from a family that already had it in their living room! Major Reilly (can't remember his first name) was the senior officer on the accident board. Maj. Grant was enroute from NAS Cubi Point when his engine flamed out at about 5:45 p.m. Article from Richard "Hans" Vogelpohl. June 26, 1971: Capt. Steven L. Hollister, 27, ejected Saturday before his A-4E Skyhawk (BuNo 152053) crashed around 10 a.m. in a rice paddy on Shikoku Island, in Japan's Inland Sea, while on a flight from NAS Atsugi to Okinawa. Capt. Hollister received neck injuries and Mrs. Fukue Shirakawa received minor injuries when she was blown to the ground by the impact of the plane. Capt. Hollister was picked up by an HH-1K helicopter from Iwakuni. Pacific Stars & Stripes, Monday, June 28, 1971. August 10, 1971: Capt. William R. Bunker, 27, ejected and was rescued by a Japanese fishing boat when A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 150085) crashed into Japan's Inland Sea Tuesday while on a routine flight from a Marine base at Iwakuni. Pacific Stars and Stripes, Thursday, August 12, 1971. September 9, 1971: Capt. Floyd W. Bond, 26, was killed when his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 152041) crashed into 2,000 foot Mt. Monju on Oshima Island in Japan's inland sea while on a routine instrument training flight. Tucson Daily Citizen, Saturday, September 11, 1971. January 7, 1972: 1st Lt. Vernon Dornan was killed when he failed to pull out of a 10 degree practice bombing run at Koon Ni Target Range by Osan AB, flying out of MCAS Iwakuni Japan. Unidentified pilot is missing after his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 151107 1st Marine-Aircraft Wing) crashed into the Yellow sea about 14 miles west of Osan AB, Republic of Korea, Friday while on a routine training flight. Pacific Stars and Stripes. Sunday, Jan. 9, 1972. September 2, 1972: 1st Lt. D.R. Eisenbrey ejected about 12 miles north of Bien Hoa airfield and was rescued by an Army helicopter when his Skyhawk (BuNo 152000) was hit by ground fire during a close air support mission near An Loc. The port wing was badly damaged and the aircraft became uncontrollable and he was rescued by an Army helicopter. September 26, 1972: Capt. James P. Walsh flying from Bien Hoa Air Base ejected and was captured when his Skyhawk (BuNo 151099) was hit by AAA as he began to pull out of a 30 degree dive during a close air support mission at An Loc. Capt. Walsh ejected a few miles from An Loc and landed in a rubber plantation. A rescue helicopter was hit by ground fire and had to withdraw. Capt. Walsh had landed within NVA (North Vietnamese Army) positions, and had become a POW as soon as his feet had touched the ground. Capt. Walsh was the last U.S. Marine to be taken prisoner during the war, and was released as a POW on 12 February 1973. November 9, 1972: 1st Lt. J.M. Kemper ejected from CF-08, BuNo 151191, while on take-off roll 9 November 1972, Bien Hoa. The aircraft blew a tire just at rotation airspeed and began to decelerate. Lt. Kemper attempted to abort his take-off but was unable to control a severe right drift and ejected as the aircraft departed the right side of the runway. The pilot received no injuries. The aircraft plowed through the grass for a few thousand feet before burning. It was a total loss. VMA-211 Command Chronology. A USMC A4 Skyhawk crashed and was demolished by it's own exploding bombs Thursday at Bien Hoa Air Base, 14 miles NE of Saigon. The U.S. Command said the pilot of the A4 ejected after his fully-armed plane blew a tire and swerved out of control on takeoff. Pacific Stars and Stripes, Saturday, 11 November 1972. April 16, 1973: unknown USMC pilot (Alexander) ejected safely when his A4 Skyhawk (BuNo 149661) crashed into the sea 50 miles west of Naha Monday while on a routine training mission at 1:08 p.m. He was picked up 45 minutes later by a helicopter from the 23rd Aviation Det., at Hamby AS. His plane was assigned to VMA-211 temporarily based at Naha AB. Pacific Stars and Stripes, Wednesday, April 18, 1973. January 1974-July 1974: Good Afternoon, I was in VMA-211 from January 1974-July 1974 out of MCAS Iwakuni, MAG12, as the NCOIC of the Flight Equipment Shop. Served as Sgt, then promoted to SSgt during my tour. Deployed to NAS NAHA Okinawa in March 74, and to RAAF Amberly , Australia in June 1974 as part of Kangaroo 1. CO was LtCol Frank Regan, a fine Marine, heard he recently passed away. MGySgt Jerry J. Gooch USMC(ret) 1968-1998 March 1974: VMA-211 lost their A-4Es at Cubi Point, Philippines due to a transfer of aircraft to Israel. They were replaced with A-4Ms. "We got them as replacements for the E's. ... if I remember correctly we received approx 10 of them. They had the variable inlet vanes on them and were far superior to the E's. We took them to Australia shortly after receiving them and took part in what was named "Operation Kangaroo". They painted little kangaroos on the nose. We were deployed to Brisbane and were on a RAF base. Steve James 31JAN04 November 14, 1974: Marine Corp pilot Maj. John L. Pycior of Virginia Beach, VA, died of injuries sustained when the aircraft (A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 151052) he was piloting on Nov. 14 crashed during a routine training flight with the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing at the Crowe Valley Range, Republic of the Philippines. The Beaufort Gazette, Wednesday, 27 November 1974. August 28, 1978: Capt. Paul Pittman, 28, VMA-211, MCAS El Toro, was killed about 2:45 p.m. Monday when his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 158420) caught fire and crashed near NAF El Centro during a routine training mission. The Register (Orange County), Tuesday, 29 August 1978. November 30, 1978: Maj. Robert Coop ejected safely when his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 160037) crashed Thursday at about 7:30 a.m. in the Chocolate Mountains west of Yuma Maj. Coop is based at El Toro, CA and was flying out of MCAS Yuma on a routine training mission. Yuma Sun, November 30, 1978. February 4, 1980: Maj. John E. Day, 38, was killed when his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 158152) crashed Monday at Range 25 miles north of Seoul, South Korea while simulating close air support for ground forces in the MAGEX-80 training exercise. Pacific Stars and Stripes, Thursday, February 7, 1980. VMA-211, A-4M BuNo 158152 was destroyed at Korea when the aircraft crashed into the ground during simulated ordnance delivery, 04 February 1980. 1 fatality. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. My father Maj. John E. Day was stationed in Iwakuni, Japan 78-80. I believe VMA 211 was deployed there 79-80. My father flew with them on a training mission to South Korea in February 1980 and was killed on February 4, 1980. I have attached a copy of the casualty report for your review. William D. Day. August 29, 1980: Maj. J.F. Dalton ejected safely and was rescued by helicopter when his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 159480) crashed into the Pacific Ocean near San Clemente Island while on a routine test flight from MCAS El Toro Friday. The Paris News, Sun., Aug. 31, 1980. VMA-211 A-4M BuNo 159480 was destroyed at San Clemente Island after aircraft crashed during out of control flight, 29 August 1980. Pilot ejected. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. October 15, 1982: Lt. David T. Jones, 26, ejected safely from his Skyhawk (BuNo 160044) before it crashed yesterday in an unpopulated area 37 miles west of Prescott, AZ, when the jet's engine failed. The Register, Saturday, Oct. 16, 1982. VMA-211 A-4M BuNo 160044 was destroyed at Arizona when aircraft crashed into ground following engine explosion, 15 October 1982. Pilot ejected safely. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. June 11, 1984: 1st Lt. Patrick Pedersen ejected safely when his VMA-211 A-4M Skyhawk (BuNo 159488) went down about 200 miles south of Tokyo Monday morning enroute from Iwakuni to its permanent base at MCAS El Toro, CA. There was no immediate word on the pilot's fate. Pacific Stars and Stripes, Tuesday, June 12, 1984. 1st Lt. Patrick Pedersen was picked up by the Japanese fishing boat Sakae Maru and was airlifted by a Japanese Self Defense helicopter to the naval hospital in Yokosuka. Pacific Stars and Stripes, Wednesday, June 13, 1984 and Thursday, June 14, 1984. VMA-211 A-4M BuNo 159488 was destroyed at North Pacific Ocean (above Lat 45 Deg N) when aircraft caught fire during aerial refueling evolution. 11 June 1984. Aircrew ejected. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. January 29, 1985: LCol. Timothy G. Dineen, 39, (VMA-211 CO) ejected safely from his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 159474) just before it crashed into the ocean near San Clemente Island at 3:55 p.m. Tuesday while on a training mission from MCAS El Toro. The Register, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1985. VMA-211 A-4M BuNo 159474 was destroyed at San Clemente Island when aircraft crashed into water while conducting PMCF. 29 January 1985. Pilot ejected safely. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. July 9, 1985: Capt. Michael Graves, 30, (VMA-211, MCAS El Toro) ejected safely when his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 160023) crashed into the ocean Tuesday about 35 miles south of San Clemente Island. The Orange County Register, Wednesday, July 10, 1985. VMA-211 A-4M BuNo 160023 was destroyed at North Pacific Ocean (above Lat 45 Deg. N) when aircraft departed controlled flight and crashed during 2V1 ACM. 09 July 1985. 0 fatalities. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. Capt. Michael Graves became the first aviator to owe his life to SEAWARS which is a seawater activated release system. SEAWARS automatically releases an aviator from the parachute shroud lines within 2 seconds after dropping into the ocean. When Capt. Graves ejected inverted at 9,000 feet his A-4M was travelling at an airspeed of 200 knots, a 60-70 degree nose down pitch, a roll rate of 360-540 degrees per second and a sink rate of 20,000 feet per minute. He was semiconscious throughout and after SEAWARS automatically released him the rescuers found his parachute 40 feet underwater in a position that would have trapped him underwater. China Lake Rocketeer, 22 November 1985. May 30, 1986: Capt. Steven N. "Bix" Bixler, 27, and Capt. Lionel J. "Digger" Rotelli Jr., 27, ejected safely when their El Toro based A-4 Skyhawks (VMA-211 158158 & VMA-311 160033) collided over the Pacific Ocean on Friday and crashed 66 miles south of San Clemente Island during mid-air refueling with a tanker plane. They were rescued by a Navy rescue helicopter sent from San Diego and dropped off aboard the USS Ranger. The Orange County Register, Saturday, May 31, 1986. VMA-311 A-4M BuNo 158158 and A-4M BuNo 160033 were destroyed at North Pacific Ocean (above Lat 45 Deg N) after midair collision during formation tanking evolution. 30 May 1986. 0 fatalities. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. September 1987: VMA-211 celebrates flying the McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk for 30 years. November 3, 1989: Capt. Howard A. Williams, 28, ejected safely when his Skyhawk (BuNo 159784) crashed at low altitude during a training flight near Twenty-Nine Palms. Williams squadron was participating in a combined arms exercise at the Air-Ground Combat Center. Santa Ana Orange County Register, Saturday, 04 November, 1989. Capt. Howard A. Williams, 28, ejected safely when he was attempting to refuel his A-4M Skyhawk at low altitude when it crashed during a training flight near Twenty-Nine Palms. Tuscaloosa News, Sunday, November 5, 1989. VMA-211 A-BuNo 159784 was destroyed at 29 Palms when pilot ejected after engine flameout and aircraft fire. 03 November 1989. 0 fatalities. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. 1989: When the Avengers transitioned to AV-8 Harriers the Squadron's A-4Ms were transferred to reserve squadron VMA-133. The Avengers were the last active duty Marine Squadron to fly the A-4 Skyhawk. June 2004: VMA-211 stationed at MCAS Yuma, AZ. currently has a detachment of six Harriers flying out of Iwakuni, Japan. |
Unit Photos 17JUL59: A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk BuNo. 142178 ? Picture of what appears to BuNo 142178 on July 17,1959 Atsugi Naval Air Station, Japan. Photograph by and courtesy of Toda Yasunori of Miyaginoku, Sendai, Japan. 13FEB61: VMA-211 Photo taken 13 Feb 1961, something to do with "RAPEC". The four A-4C's in the photo are 145125 CF-2, 145109 CF-15, 145113 CF-14 & 145101 CF-5. Gary Verver Collection. 1964-66: BuNo 150031, CF-1, parked on ther ramp. Gary Verver Collection. 1966: A-4C Skyhawk BuNo. 145088 - 1966. n July 1966, two VMA-211 A4C Skyhawks attended the air show at Japan Air Defense Matsusima Air Base, Japan. Color photograph by and courtesy of Toda Yasunori of Miyaginoku, Sendai, Japan. NOV 1966: BuNo 151080, CF-14 as she taxies by the photographer. Unknown photographer via W. Mutza. MAY 1967: BuNo 151045, CF-5, parked on the ramp with MBER's on the inboard wing pylons. Unknown photographer via W. Mutza. MAY 1967: close-up tail insignia view of Wake Island Avengers Skyhawk BuNo 151045, CF-5. Unknown photographer via W. Mutza. Skyhawk BuNo 151078, CF-3, parked on the ramp. Unknown photographer via W. Mutza. 1966-67: Skyhawk BuNo 151088, CF-17, about to launch from the SATS with a load of Snakeyes. 1966-67: BuNo 151096, CF-20, parked on the ramp next to USAF RF-101C Voodoo s/n 56-089. BuNo 151096, CF-17, as she taxies by the photographer. via W. Mutza. BuNo 151190, CF-1, as she taxies by the photographer. via W. Mutza. 06JUN68: BuNo.151045 at Khe Sanh, Vietnam, June 6, 1968. Provided by Ron Taylor. OCT-DEC68: VMA-211 Pilots at Chu Lai in October-December, 1968 timeframe. 25OCT68: Chu Lai, South Vietnam, Capt. Bob Miecznikowski USMC leaving the cockpit of VMA-211 (CF-11) A-4E BuNo.151193 after completing his 100th mission. Picture from Bob Miecznikowski. FEB69: Three USMC A-4E Skyhawks after a mission in the refueling pits, ChuLai Foreground VMA-223 WP-2, BuNo 151055 WP-4, and VMA-211 CF-22. Charlie Robinson. Nov 1969: BuNo 158177, CF-16, parked on the flight line. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 158193, CF-1, parked on the ramp with two wing tanks. Gary Verver Collection. 1969: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 150046. VMA-211 A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 150046, side number CF-2 takes off from Naval Air Station Atsugi, Japan, September 18, 1969. The center fuel tank was painted the same as the fuselage. The Scooter was on its way to Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni. Photograph by Masaaki Hayakawa. 1969: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151190. VMA-211 A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151190, side number CF-1 over Naval Air Station Atsugi, Japan, October 24, 1969. Trouble on the test flight after repair, pilot has the arresting hook down for the emergency landing. There is part of an old VMA-233 squadron patch showing on the fuselage. Photograph by Masaaki Hayakawa. 1969: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151096. VMA-211 of MAG-12 A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151096, in November 1969 at Chu Lai, Republic of Vietnam. Morning on the flightline and a Skyhawk returns from a night hop. It's just after sunrise and this Skyhawk is being readied for the next hop. A Mark IV 20mm Gunpod sits on its trailer in the foreground. Photograph by Lore Wiseman. 1969: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152032. VMA-211, A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152032, side number CF-9 under tow by a tug on a cold November (25, 1969) day at Naval Air Station Atsugi, Japan. This aircraft had flown in from Vietnam for repair at Atsugi. Notice the remains of a letter P (as in WP --- VMA-223) can still be seen on the tail -- aircraft were quickly transfered from squadron to squadron as they were rotated in the Vietnam theater. Photograph by Masaaki Hayakawa. 1969: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152000. VMA-211 of MAG-12 A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152000, side number CF-3 in December 1969 at Chu Lai, Republic of Vietnam. The Avenger A4-E waits on the "Hotpad" armed with Rockeye CBUs and 5 inch ZUNI Rockets. The candy-striped re-fueling probe was special for the "holidays". The VMA-211 Ordinance Shop flag waves in the background. Photograph by Lore Wiseman. NOV 1970: Skyhawk BuNo 151190, CF-1, assigned to CAPT Bill Callahan as she taxies by the photographer with an empty MBER on the centerline and 2.75" FFAR pods on the outboard pylons. Weldon Dunlap. JUN 1971: BuNo 152081, CF-23, as she taxies by the photographer. Nick Williams. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149658. A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149658, side, number CF-24, is taxiing from the VMA-211 flight line to go on display at the Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni open house May 16, 1971. Earlier BuNo 149658 is pictured taxiing back to the VMA-211 flight line after a flight. BuNo. 149658 was later transferred to VC-5 Det. Cubi Point, Philippines. Photograph by Masaaki Hayakawa. During summer 1971, VMA 211 Wake Island Avengers were doing workups out of Naval Air Station Cubi Point, Philippines. Marine Huey gunship pilot Captain Tom Hanson recorded Avenger ground-crew readying A-4E Scooters for a practice mission. A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149651. A-4E Skyhawks BuNo. 151090 side number CF-1 and BuNo. 149651 CF-15 wait for armament wagons bringing bombs, rockets and stuff. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149651. A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151090 side number CF-1 has its port drop fuel tank filled while BuNo. 149651 CF-15 waits its turn in the background. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151090. A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151090 side number CF-1 gets its starboard drop fuel tank filled. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152004. A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152004 side number CF-10 gets a starboard rocket pod. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152004. A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152004 side number CF-10 goes through a preflight inspection --- including the Hell Hole. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149661. An Avionics crewman checks A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149661 side number CF-22's black boxes before flight. Photographs copyright 2001 by Tom Hanson. 1971: After preparing the Wake Island Avenger Skyhawks it was time to fly the mission. A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 150993. 1971: A-4E Skyhawks BuNo. 150993 side number CF-2 and BuNo. 149983 CF-3 are performing their pre-start check-lists while waiting for starters. In the background A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149661 side number CF-22 appears to be down for avionics. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149983. The pilot of A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149983 side number CF-3 starts his Scooter. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151125 - 1971 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 152000 - 1971 1971: FIRE - FIRE - FIRE - 1971. An old hulk gets doused with fuel and torched. Soon the crash crew arrive for some hands-on-training. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151090. The pilot of A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151090 side number CF-1 taxies to the end of the flight line to wait for the other Skyhawks to start and catch up. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk Taxi. Two by two the Skyhawks taxi from the Avenger flight line. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk Arming Pit. Two by two the Skyhawks taxi from the Avenger flight line to the weapons arming pits where the safety pins are removed from the guns, rockets and bombs. The two 20 MM cannons are charged, each with a shell in the chamber. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151125 . A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151125 side number CF-9 armed and dangerous, waits at the hold-short area for the other Avengers to leave the arming pit. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149983. The pilot of A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 149983 side number CF-3 starts his takeoff roll on a hot day with a big load of fuel and weapons. 1971: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151125. A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151125 side number CF-9 roars down the Cubi Point runway to go airborne over Subic Bay. BuNo. 151125 - CF-9 is airborne and clean five feet above the runway. Only 175 more bombing days until Christmas. Photographs copyright 2001 by Tom Hanson. Bien Hoa 1972 JUN 1972: L to R: VMA-211 BuNo 149938 CF-03, VMA-211 BuNo 151030 CF-20, VMA-211 CF-xx and VMA-311 WL-xx. All loaded with ordinance and taxing out. Donald M. Connor. JUN 1972: BuNo 152000 CF-18 is getting ordinance armed. VMA-211 CF-03 sticks its nose into the picture. Donald M. Connor. JUN 1972: BuNo 151090 CF-01 coming home, ordnance expended. Donald M. Connor MAR74: VMA-211 at "OKI" in MAR 1974 gathered around BuNo 150121 CF-12. Courtesy of MGySgt Jerry J. Gooch USMC(ret) 1968-1998. 1975: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151095. Avenger CF-5 approaching for landing at NAS Atsugi, Japan, April 12, 1975. Color photograph by and courtesy of Takafumi Hiroe of Yokohama, Japan. Aug 1977: BuNo 159785, CF-2, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. 1978: inflight view of Avengers Skyhawk BuNo 158418, CF-14, VMAT-102 Skyhawks BuNo 159786, SC-13, VMA-223 Bulldogs BuNo 159486, WP-16 & VMA(AW)-242 Bats Intruder BuNo 152953, DT-14. Harry Gann. 09 APR 1978: BuNo 158165, CF-17, parked on the flightline. Unknown photographer, G. Verver collection. SEP 1978: oBuNo 159785, CF-2, parked on the ramp. Rob Mignard. 29 Sept 1978: BuNo 159790, WE-13, on the flight line. Kirk Minert, G. Verver collection. Apr 1979: oBuNo 159785, CF-1, firing ZUNI 5" FFAR's. McDonnell Douglas Photo by Harry Gann. 26 APR 1979: oBuNo 158417, CF-13, parked on the ramp next to BuNo 160031. Dr. C.A. "Sketch" Eddy. Undated BuNo 160031, CF-1, parked. Gary Verver Collection. 26 APR 1979: 1979-80: BuNo 159488, CF-6, parked. Gary Verver Collection. 21 JUN 1979: LCpl Peter C. Fisher of Marine All-Weather Attack Squadron 211 (VMA-211) makes repairs to a Marine A-4M Skyhawk aircraft. Cpl Greg Berry. 1979: A-4M Skyhawk BuNo. 158177. Avenger CF-3 on the ramp at NAS Atsugi, Japan, November 11, 1979. Color photograph by and courtesy of Takafumi Hiroe of Yokohama, Japan. DEC79: BuNo 160045, CF-1, parked on the ramp with a centerline tank. 2nd shot of 160045. Gary Verver Collection. 04DEC79: BuNo 160245, CF-1, parked on the flight line with a centerline drop tank. Gary Verver Collection. Yeachon, Korea. Wake Island Avenger Skyhawks on the ramp at Yeachon, Korea. Color photograph by and courtesy of Jimmy Little. Yeachon, Korea. Wake Island Avenger Skyhawk taking off from the Yeachon, Korea runway. Color photograph by and courtesy of Jimmy Little. MAR79: BuNo.158413 & honored guests and spectators have come on March 1979 to the rollout of the last A-4 aircraft built by the McDonald Douglas Corp. U.S. Navy photo, Sgt Frank Refuerzo. BuNo.158413 & exhibit and ceremony for the last A-4 aircraft built by McDonnell Douglas Corporation. U.S. Navy photo, Sgt Frank Refuerzo. BuNo.158413 & Guests and spectators stand at attention while the Marine Corps Band plays. U.S. Navy photo, Sgt Frank Refuerzo. 1980-83: BuNo 158191, CF-24, parked with a down hook. Gary Verver location. 1980-84: BuNo 158435 CF-14, parked. Gary Verver location. JUN81: BuNo 158433, CF-15, parked on the flight line with a centerline buddy store. Gary Verver Collection. JUL81: BuNo 159474, CF-1, parked on the flight line. Gary Verver Collection. JUL81: BuNo 159781, CF-23, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. OCT81: BuNo 158160, CF-7, parked on the ramp in the gray over white paint scheme. An undated shot of BuNo 158160 with an EA-6 Growler in the background. Gary Verver Collection. NOV81: BuNo 159781, CF-23, parked on the flight line. Gary Verver Collection. 1982: BuNo 158149, CF-17, ready to taxi. Gary Verver Collection. MAY82: BuNo 159778, CF-21, on the ramp with a centerline tank. Photo by P. Wilson, G. Verver collection. 11AUG84: 11 Aug 1984 BuNo 160023, CF-17, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. 1985-86: BuNo 158185, CF-07, running on the taxiway. Gary Verver Collection. MAY86: BuNo 159789, CF-02, parked on the ramp with a centerline tank. Gary Verver Collection. 1987-89: BuNo 158168, CF-08, parked. Gary Verver Collection. NOV88: Avengers Skyhawk BuNo 158167, CF-05, parked on the flight line. A undated shot of CF-05. Gary Verver Collection. NOV88: BuNo 158429, CF-06, parked on the flight line. Gary Verver Collection. JUN89: BuNo 158173, CF-17, parked on the flight line next to CF-18. Gary Verver Collection. 1989: VMA-211 "Wake Avenger" A-4M Skyhawk BuNo. 158424. A-4M Skyhawk BuNo. 158424, side number Charlie Fox-trot 13, of VMA-211 "Wake Avengers", based at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona. Photographed at the Naval Air Station Atlanta Transit line on October 8, 1989. Finished in standard Tactical Paint Scheme grays with rather bold markings. Nominally assigned to Captain "Cess" Claypool! The Skyhawk behind Charlie Fox-trot 13 was assigned to Captain "Burger" King! Would we kid you? Look below at A-4M Skyhawk BuNo. BuNo. 158428. Photograph from Frank J. Mirande. 1989: VMA-211 "Wake Avenger" A-4M Skyhawk BuNo. 158428. A-4M Skyhawk BuNo. 158428 side number Charlie Fox-trot 14, of the VMA-211 "Wake Avengers", based at Marine Corps. Air Station Yuma, Arizona, on the Naval Air Station Atlanta transit-line on October 8, 1989. Charlie Fox-trot 14 was assigned to Captain "Burger" King! Photograph from Frank J. Mirande. VMA-211 "Wake Avenger" A-4M Skyhawk BuNo. 158433. A-4M Skyhawk BuNo. 158433 side number Charlie Fox-trot 15, of the VMA-211 "Wake Avengers", based at Marine Corps. Air Station Yuma, Arizona. The webmaster lost track of who sent in this picture - sorry. Photograph from? VMA-211 Harriers over Wake Island during TRANSPAC to Iwakuni Japan from MCAS Yuma AZ. Photo from Captain "Nanners" Foster, VMA-211 Harrier Driver. JUN04: VMA-211 Harriers flown by "Hemmy", "Nanners", and "Gizmo" during TRANSPAC to Iwakuni Japan from MCAS Yuma AZ. Photo from Captain "Nanners" Foster, VMA-211 Harrier Driver. JUN04: VMA-211 Harrier Drivers June 2004. Photo from Captain "Nanners" Foster, VMA-211 Harrier Driver. Off-Duty Photos None yet. |
A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to VMA-211: