

Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO).
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VC-4 - November 1944
John Gabbard
VC-4 Black Cougar
VC-4 Black Cougar - 1951
John Gabbard

VC-4 - Date Unknown
John Gabbard


No info yet.


David Weber


1950 -- Nightcappers


No info yet.

Home Ports

1970 ---- NAS Cecil Field, FL - (VC-4 Det Cecil Field)

Air Wings

January 4 to March 5, 1949: VC-4 Det-5----CVBG-6----F4U-5N----C----CV-41----Mediterranean Sea

January 4 to March 5, 1949: VC-4 Det-5----CVBG-6----F4U-5N----C----CV-41----Mediterranean Sea

January 5 to March 23, 1950: VC-4 Det-5----CVBG-4----F4U-5N----F----CV-41----Mediterranean Sea

July 10, 1950 to November 10, 1950: VC-4 Det-5----CVBG-7----F4U-5N----L----CV-41----Mediterranean Sea

10 January to 18 May 1951: VC-4----------CVG-6-----F2H-2N----C----CVB-42---Mediterranean Sea

August 26 to October 8, 1952: VC-4 Det-5----CVBG-6---F4U-5NL----C----CV-41----Mediterranean Sea

December 1, 1952 to May 19, 1953: VC-4 Det-5----CVBG-6----F3D-2/F2H-2B----C----CV-41----Mediterranean Sea

April 26 to December 4, 1953: VC-4 Det ?----CVG-4----F2H-2, F3D-2, F4U-5N----F----CV-39---Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, Korea

September 28, 1954 to April 22, 1955: VC-4 Det ?----CVG-8----F2H-4----E----CV-39---Mediterranean Sea

December 27, 1954 to July 14, 1955: VC-4 Det-5----CVBG-6----F2H-4----T----CV-41----World Cruise (Norfolk, Va. to NAS Alameda, Ca.)

October 9, 1955 to April 30, 1956: VC-4 Det ?----CVG-6----F2H-4-------C----CV-39---Mediterranean Sea

January to March 1956: VC-4 Det. 52--?????----AD-5--------?----CV-45---Caribbean (Operation Springboard)


Date Type First Received - - - - - - Type of Aircraft:

1949 ----------- Chance Vaught F4U-5N Corsair

1950 ----------- McDonnell F2H-2N Banshee (night fighter)

1952 ----------- Chance Vaught F4U-5NL Corsair

1952 ----------- Douglas F3D-2 Skyknight

1955 ----------- Douglas AD-5 Skyraider

April 1, 1970------- Douglas A4D-2N (A-4C) Skyhawk

For A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to this unit see lower in this page:



Commanding Officers

No info yet.


No info yet


March 10, 1971: Lt(jg). Alfred Cisneros, 25, ejected safely Wednesday from his A-4C Skyhawk (BuNo 147688) after experiencing engine trouble and landed in a swampy area near Edenton Airport (NC) enroute from NAS Oceana, VA to FL. The Bee, Danville, VA, Thursday, Mar. 11, 1971.

 "I was enroute to Jacksonville, FL from NAS Oceana in VA. I had reached F310 in the middle of a nor'easter snowstorm and IMC when the engine tachometer wound down, followed by a flash of a fire warning. I called center and declared a flameout and began a descent. I began to lose control of the aircraft and saw the airspeed was increasing. At about 17,000 feet, 325 knots inverted I pilled the handle to eject. I only had a summer flight suit on as I tumbled and descended under the parachute through freezing rain, ice and snow. At about 4,000 feet I came out of the weather above the middle of a sound (Albemarle) near the VA and NC border. I was facing south, It was 28f outside. I could not use my right arm, was having trouble breathing. I could see white caps on the water. I remember thinking 'I am going to die.' I used my left arm to pull the riser to try and get away from the water and ultimately landed in pine trees on a bank of water and settled in a wet marsh area about 4 miles from Edenton Airport NC. An F-4 Phantom was flying at 500 feet and spotted my parachute which alerted a Coast Guard helicopter. A farmer in a Ford truck said to me 'Sonny are you alright?' I replied 'I'm alive.' The farmer left when the Coast Guard rescue helicopter took me away about 45 minutes later. I had hyperextended the cartilage in my legs and chest in addition to the damage in my right arm." Al Cisneros.

Unit Photos

No info yet.

Off-Duty Photos

No info yet.

A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to VC-4:

  • Douglas A4D-2N (A-4C) Skyhawk
    • 147688 c/n 2452
      • 14 Apr 1970 - VC-4 Det Cecil Field - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 10 Mar 1971 - Stricken - 1S
    • 147745 c/n 12509
      • 14 Apr 1970 - VC-4 Det Cecil Field - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 08 feb 1972 - VC-2 - NAS Oceana, VA
    • 147752 c/n 12516
      • 20 Feb 1971 - VC-4 Det Cecil Field - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 22 Feb 1972 - VC-2 - NAS Oceana, VA
    • 148314 c/n 12624
      • 13 Apr 1971 - VC-4 Det Cecil Field - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 30 Apr 1971 - VC-2 Det Cecil Field - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 148603 c/n 12796
      • 20 Apr 1970 - VC-4 Det Cecil Field - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 29 Feb 1972 - VC-2 - NAS Oceana, VA
    • 149627 C/N 12952
      • 01 Apr 1970 - VC-4 Det Cecil Field - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 26 Jul 1971 - VC-2 - NAS Oceana, VA

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