

Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO).
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Provided by "Creeps" Krall

Provided by Adam Martin


No info yet.


David Weber

Joe Turpen

"Creeps" Krall

John Gabbard

Adam Martin

AMonte Abramson

Dave Dollarhide



Blue Lightning

OCT 1968: Broadway Bombers


Circa 1954 - - - - - - - VA-831 was a combination of VA-832 and VA-831 at N.A.S. N.Y. Floyd Bennett Field.

27 JAN 1968- - - - - - - VA-831 Activated.

NOV 1968 - - - - - - - - VA-831 de-activated.

NOV 1968 to JUL 1970 - - VA-32R

Home Ports

27 January 1968: NAS New York - Floyd Bennett Field

30 May 1968 - - - NAS Cecil Field, FL

Air Wings

1968: - - - - - COMFAIRJACKSONVILLE - - MA*

01 July 1968: - - CVW-1 - - - - - - - - - AB

* This tail code was also assigned to two other activated reserve squadrons, VF-661 & VF-931. Monte Abramson


Date Type First Received - - - - - - Type of Aircraft:

1950's- - - - - - F-G1D Corsairs

1950"s- - - - - - TBM Avenger

1959- - - - - - - Grumman F9F-6 Cougar.

1950's- - - - - - North American FJ-4B Fury.

8 February 1968 - Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk *

5 July 1968 - - - Douglas A4D-2N (A-4C) Skyhawk *

* November 30, 1962

The A4D-2 designation changed to A-4B

The A4D-2N designation changed to A-4C

For A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to this unit see lower in this page:


VF-831: Korean war.

VA-831: deployed 01 July 1968 USS John F. Kennedy CVA-67.(Never deployed as a unit)

Commanding Officers

26 JAN 1968: CDR Ray Ketcham


1963: NARTU New York VA-831 CO Cdr. Andy Avila accepts the Noel Davis Trophy for Battle Ready Proficiency. Photo from Andy Avila Jr.

Awards continued

No additional info


January 27, 1968: VA-831 is activated after the USS Pueblo (AGER-2) was captured.

July 1, 1968:VA-831 was the first activated reserve unit on the east coast assigned to an operational air wing. The squadron was assigned to CVW-1 (AB) on the USS JOHN F. KENNEDY CVA-67, though never deployed as a unit. Provided by: Monte Abramson.

The following reserve units were also activated

VF-661 - Washington, D.C.

VF-703 - Dallas, TX

VF-931 - Willow Grove, PA

VA-776 - Los Alamitos, CA

VA-873 - Alameda, CA
Provided by Dave Dollarhide

July 19, 1968: LCdr. John F. Tylunas perished when his A-4B BuNo 144881 crashed in a wooded area on the edge of the Quabbin Reservoir while on a routine training mission from FL to Westover AFB at Chicopee, MA.
Bridgeport, CT The Bridgeport Post , Saturday, July 20, 1968.
Panama City, FL Panama City News-Herald , Sunday, July 21, 1968.

October 18, 1968: VA-831 is deactivated and returned to reserve status.

Note: VA-831 was a combination of VA-832 & 831 combined at N.A.S. N.Y. Floyd Bennett Field around 1954, at that time they were flying F-G1D Corsairs & TBMs, They transitioned to Jets in 1959 F9F-8 Cougars in 1961 changed over to FJ-3, FJ-4 Furys. Around 1962 again changed over to A-4A , B, & Cs . VA-831 was the Naval Reserves best Attack Sqd, for yrs 1964,65, &67 was recalled to active duty for Operation Graphic Hand on January 26,1968. Was attached to AirLant Carrier Wing One, based out of Cecil Field, Carrier Air Group C.O. was Cdr. Hal Marr, C.O. of VA-831 was CDR Ray Ketcham, VA-831 was part of CAW 1, commissioning SQD. for the" John F. Kennedy CV-67". In OCT.1968. VA-831 was called the "Broadway Bombers." They were designated all weather attack. The Sqd. lost one pilot during the call up, LCDR. John Tylunas, The Sqd. was decommissioned in November 1968 & returned back to N.A.S. NY as VA-32R until air station was closed in July 1970. Submitted by AOCM Bob Ruggiero, original member.
"When VA-134 (and all of Air Group 13) complete the "shakedown" cruise onboard the Constellation (CVA-64) back in mid 1962, we flew our A4D-2's up to Norfolk and then on to NAS New York (Floyd Bennet Field). There were a few of us VA-134 pilots who went TAD to NAS New York to help transition VA-831 into our A4D-2's. VA-831 was flying FJ-4B's at the time. I don't remember anything about VA-832. I do have in my logbook several entries of flying 142118, 142764and 142684 at NAS New York on chase flights with VA-831 pilots flying former VA-134 A4D-2's on orientation flights. The dates of my flights were 7-30-62,8-2-62, 8-3-62 and 8-4-62. I can't remember the names of the pilots I flew chase on, though. I do recall one flight where the VA-831 pilot had the lead. He took me up to 25 thousand over Manhattan and we both went inverted and took some pictures. He then led me to what he described as Jones Beach and we flew at 50 feet and 450kts about a hundred yards off the shoreline. I remember seeing the beach crowded with people. I was an Ensign from VA-134 and the other pilot assigned to the chase pilot duty was from VA-133 and his name was Ron Kordik and he was A LTJG from Fullerton, California." Bob Krall.

February 24, 1970: Pete Peterson was killed in A-4B BuNo 148515, the night of 2-24-1970 at Whitehouse OLF.
"I remember walking around in the light rain and mist looking for him in the black night. We found the a/c, but couldn't find him for a long time. Then he was found still in his seat. It was a lousy night for FCLP's. I don't remember who was waving. I know that I was tired. My log shows that I had flown 3 periods on the 24th. Two were day periods of 8 FCLP's each and one night period of 8 FCLP's all launched from NIP.
The next night I logged 27 night FCLP's. The day after that I logged 24 FCLP's.
Those were the days. I hope this helps. Skip Wood

Unit Photos

Circa 1957: Jack Waterbury in cockpit of an VA-831 F9F-8 in. Photo provided by Jack Waterbury.

17 May 1958: NAS New York P2V-6M Neptune BuNo 131555, 7R-207. P2V-6M Neptune's BuNo 131553 and BuNo 131556 at left.

Circa 1959: FJ-3 Fury BuNo 135834, 7R-9, flown by Jack Waterbury, is refueled by NAS Oceana VA-83 Rampagers A4D-2Skyhawk BuNo 142125, AJ-310. Photo provided by Jack Waterbury.

Circa 1959: NARTU NY  FJ-3 Fury BuNo 135775, 7R-2, probably flown by LCdr Andy Avila, is refueled by NAS Oceana VA-83 Rampagers A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142125, AJ-310. Photo from Andy Avila Jr.

1961: NARTU New York VA-831 FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139536, 7R-63, and squadron personnel. Row 1 (L-r) Ron Betts, Fred Wilson, Al Alman, Bob Pike and Lee Hill.  Row 2 (L-r) Joe Maguire, Hal Silvert, Warren Omark, Ken Ludwig, Rupe Lowe, Ray Ketcham, Bill Holland, Dutch Schulden and Jessie Thornton. Row 3 (L-r sitting on wing) Frank Granito, Hank Bosker, Dick Scalo, Jack Garelle, Scotty MacLeod and Dick Schieber. Row 3 (L-r standing on wing) Dave Horton, Newt Churchill, CO Cdr. Andy Avila,  XO LCdr. Joseph Sapinsky and Walt Stock. Photo from Andy Avila Jr.

1961-1962: NARU New York VA-831 FJ-4B Furys BuNo 143608, 7R-52, BuNo 143580, 7R-44, BuNo 143547, 7R-54, and BuNo 141477, 7R-43, inflight over the Statue of Liberty.

1961-62: A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142113, 7R-2.

1962: A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142743, 7R-9.

1962-63: NAS New York A-4B BuNo 142113, 7R-2, and NAS Jacksonville A-4B's 6F-2, BuNo 144990, 6F-6, BuNo 144951, 6F-5, 6F-7, BuNo 144953, 6F-8, 6F-9 and BuNo 144919, 6F-12, NAS Roosevelt Roads.

1968: A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142937, AB-500, on the ramp at NAS Cecil following the activation of VA-831. Duane Kasulka via Monte Abramson.

1968-69: TA-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142730, 7R-20, Lakehurst ramp with three drop tanks. R. Besecker photo.

04 March 1969: A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142862, 7R-, AQM-37A Challenger Target system on a stand in the foreground, NAS Point Mugu.

1969: A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142946, 7R-8, on the flight line next to A-4B BuNo 145003.

Circa 1970: A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148491, 7R-21, was stationed at NAS New York, Floyd Bennet Field. Name associated with this photo was James Emory Walker. Steve Moore.

1971: A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142771, 7R-2, NAS Oceana. R.W. Harrison photo.

08 September 1978: Former NAS New York A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142833, 7R-1. G.B. Rhodes photo.

Off-Duty Photos

No info yet.

A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to VA-831:

  • Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk
    • 142103 c/n 11357
      • 06 Aug 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 25 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 142111 c/n 11365
      • 13 Jun 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 27 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 17 Mar 1969 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 13 May 1969 - NARTU - NAS Alameda, CA
    • 142703 c/n 11765
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 29 Jul 1968 - NAS - NAS Glenview, IL
    • 142708 c/n 11770
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 02 Aug 1968 - NAS - NAS Glenview, IL
    • 142726 c/n 11788
      • 01 Aug 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 25 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 142730 c/n 11792
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 25 Jul 1968 - NAS - NAS New York, NY
    • 142758 c/n 11820
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 07 Aug 1968 - VA-72 - USS Shangri La
    • 142761 c/n 11823
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 27 Jul 1968 - NAS - NAS New York, NY
    • 142764 c/n 11826
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 01 Oct 1968 - NARTU - NAS Jacksonville, FL
    • 142790 c/n 11852
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 26 Sep 1968 - NAS - NAS Los Alamitos, CA
    • 142843 c/n 11905
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 09 Aug 1968 - NAS - NAS Los Alamitos, CA
    • 142848 c/n 11910
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 01 Aug 1968 - NAS - NAS South Weymouth, MA
    • 142895 c/n 11957
      • 11 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 25 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 142934 c/n 11996
      • 14 Jun 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 27 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 142937 c/n 11999
      • 24 Jun 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 25 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
  • Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk (Cont.)
    • 142948 c/n 12010
      • 11 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 27 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 144870 C/N 12116
      • 11 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 08 May 1969 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 144878 C/N 12124
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 01 Oct 1968 - NARTU - NAS Memphis, TN
    • 144881 C/N 12127
      • 17 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 19 Jul 1968 - Stricken - 1SA
    • 144889 C/N 12135
      • 14 Jun 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 14 Jun 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 144894 C/N 12140
      • 17 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 01 Oct 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 144903 C/N 12149
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 01 Oct 1968 - NAS - NAS Twin Cities, MN
    • 144918 C/N 12164
      • 11 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 27 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 144933 C/N 12179
      • 11 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 25 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 144988 C/N 12234
      • 11 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 27 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 144999 C/N 12245
      • 08 Feb 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 31 Jul 1968 - NAS - NAS Twin Cities, MN
    • 145001 C/N 12247
      • 31 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 25 Sep 1968 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
    • 145057 C/N 12303
      • 30 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 25 Sep 1969 - VA-44 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
  • Douglas A4D-2N (A-4C) Skyhawk
    • 145128 c/n 12374
      • 05 Jul 1968 - VA-831 - NAS Alameda, CA
      • 24 Sep 1968 - NAS A&T - NAS Alameda, CA

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