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VA-134 Scorpions decal
Provided by Bob Krall
VA-134 Scorpions
VA-134 Scorpions


VA-134 Scorpion patch displayed above.


David Weber



Home Ports

1961: Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Florida.

Air Wings

Date: Tail code - Air Wing

August 1961: AE CVG-13


Date Type First Received - - Type of Aircraft:

19 September 1961: Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk *

* November 30, 1962: A4D-2 designation changed to A-4B.

For A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to this unit see lower in this page:


Departure & Return - - Air Wing- - Carrier - - Aircraft - - Area of Operations

03 Mar 1962 - 6 May 1962: CVG-13 - CVA64 - A4D-2 (A-4B) - Atlantic (Shakedown)

Commanding Officers

Assumed Command - - - - - - - Commanding Officer

1961: CDR Kenneth B. Austin


No info yet

No info yet


August 21, 1961: Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR (VA-134) established at Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Florida. VA-134 was assigned the Douglas A4D-2 Skyhawk. VA-134 was established to increase naval strength during a "Berlin Crisis."

February through May 1962: VA-134 was aboard USS Constellation (CVA-64) for the Connie's shakedown cruise. During this cruise the Connie was a back-up for John Glenn's Project Mercury flight.

October 1, 1962: Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR (VA-134) disestablished.

Unit Photos

1962: Scorpion A-4B BuNo. 142743. The catapult crew of USS (CVA 64) is preparing A-4B BuNo. 142743 side number AE-409 for the first catapult launch from the Connie. The pilot was Commander J. Watkins, Commander, Carrier Air Group Thirteen. CAG also got the first trap just after the February 7, 1962 launch. Official United States Navy photograph from Bob Krall.

April 1962: VA-134 Scorpion Officers. VA-134 squadron officers on United States Ship Constellation (CVA 64) shakedown cruise. Photograph provided by Bob Krall.

1962: Scorpion Division. VA-134 A-4B Skyhawks: Lead BuNo 142420, AE-413; Number two BuNo 142734, AE-410; Number three BuNo 142743, AE-409; Number four BuNo 142761, AE-411.
The Scorpions perform a flyover salute over USS Constellation (CVA 64) in April or May 1962 during the shakedown cruise. Ensign Krall is flying BuNo 142734 (#2 in echelon). Commissioned 27 October 1961 at the New York Naval Shipyard, Constellation sailed west to its homeport of San Diego, California in July 1962. Photograph provided by Bob Krall.

1962: A4D-2 BuNo 142752, AE-406, takes part in a firefighting exercise aboard the Connie as a smoke bomb provides the setting for a burning aircraft. Naval Aviation News photo

1962: A4D-2 BuNo 142752, AE-406, takes part in a firefighting exercise aboard the Connie as a smoke bomb provides the appearance of a burning aircraft. Naval Aviation News photo

1962: A4D-2 142752, AE-406, takes part in a firefighting exercise aboard the Connie as a man in a "Hot Suit" gets up on the aircraft to rescue the pilot. Naval Aviation News photo

1962: A4D-2 BuNo 142752, AE-406, takes part in a firefighting exercise aboard the Connie as firefighters approach from windward to protect the rescuer in the asbestos suit as he rescues the pilot. Naval Aviation News photo

1962: A4D-2 BuNo 142752, AE-406, takes part in a firefighting exercise aboard the Connie as the fog applicator protects the rescuer in the asbestos suit as he removes the pilot. Naval Aviation News photo

29 AUG 1962: A4D-2 BuNo 142682 parked on the ramp without any squadron markings. Unknown photographer via W. Mutza

Scorpion Division Part Two - 1962 A division of VA-134 Scorpions from Naval Air Station Cecil Field fly over Lake Okeechobee in 1962. The division lead is A4D-2 BuNo. 142420, AE-413, division wing (Ensign Bob Krall) is in BuNo 142734, AE-410; section lead is in BuNo 142743, AE-409 and the section wing is in BuNo 142761, AE-411. Official United States Navy photograph from Bob Krall.

25April 1962: A4D-2 AE-401 in the foreground as Lt's Dick Pouchert, Hartland, WI, and Doug Mayfield, Sacramento, CA, attached to the Alert Attachment, run for their planes, NAS Gitmo.

Off-Duty Photos

None yet.

A-4 Skyhawks Assigned to VA-134

  • Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk
    • 142098 c/n 11352
      • 29 Sep 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 05 Jul 1962 - VA-44 - NAS Jacksonville, FL
    • 142107 c/n 11361
      • 27 Sep 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 06 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142113 c/n 11367
      • 19 Sep 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 10 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142118 c/n 11372
      • 26 Sep 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 07 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142420 C/N 11605
      • 05 Jan 1962 - VA-134 - USS Constellation
      • 05 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142682 c/n 11744
      • 02 Jan 1962 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 05 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142684 c/n 11746
      • 04 Jan 1962 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 08 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
  • Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk (Continued)
    • 142701 c/n 11763
      • 05 Dec 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 06 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142734 c/n 11796
      • 22 Nov 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 05 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142743 c/n 11805
      • 02 Nov 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 05 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142752 c/n 11814
      • 23 Sep 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 06 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142761 c/n 11823
      • 29 Nov 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 06 Jul 1962 - NART - NAS New York, NY
    • 142790 c/n 11852
      • 30 Nov 1961 - VA-134 - NAS Cecil Field, FL
      • 05 Jul 1962 - NARTU - NAS New York, NY

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