Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO). Refer to the CONTACT LIST under "THE ASSOCIATION" drop down menu.



  • Teton Aviation Support Services
  • Dr. Rich Sugden



  • TA-4J BuNo 154306

Home Base(s):

  • Canada
  • Driggs, Idaho


  • SEP 2011: BuNo 154306 is waiting on a few critical parts from AMRAC to enable it for it's first flight. Purchased 3 ea. TA-4J's and 2 ea. OA-4M's (Marine Fast FAC version of the TA-4J) for parts at DM . and have been fighting with DoD and Government Liquidators for over a year, trying to get the parts we paid for. If/when we can get the OA-4M parts, I'd like to convert our TA-4J to the OA-4M
  • 2014: Engine runs and taxi checks, but no known flights.
    Well, there was smoke and fire, but in all the right places … Smooth start, all parameters within limits … pretty uneventful. Functionally checked everything we could on the ground and, except for a few small avionics glitches, all went well. Taxied around the ramp w/o problems. Couldn't do a Mil power run as the ramp was wet and the brakes wouldn't hold … but the accel. from idle to 85% was smooth and rapid, and all parameters at 85% were spot on. We're getting there . Rich
  • August 2017 UPDATE: From Rich Sugden M.D.
    Pieter Groenendijk is a Dutch urologist, and amateur (pretty good one too!) aviation photographer, who has come all the way to Driggs several times to fly w. us.  This is a video of his flight w. me in the TA-4J and Peter Kline flying the MiG-17, around Driggs … over the Tetons to Jackson, and back …
    I think you’ll enjoy Pieter’s skill w. the camera !!

    A day at the office -flying the TA-4J Skyhawk and MiG-17. Flying with Rich 'Doc' Sugden in his Skyhawk over the Teton Mountains and Peter 'Bamboo' Kline in the Mig-17. Marloes Groenendijk Published on Aug 28, 2017.

Unit Photos

16 JAN 2014
Well, there was smoke and fire, but in all the right places … Smooth start, all parameters within limits … pretty uneventful. Functionally checked everything we could on the ground and, except for a few small avionics glitches, all went well. Taxied around the ramp w/o problems. Couldn't do a Mil power run as the ramp was wet and the brakes wouldn't hold … but the accel. from idle to 85% was smooth and rapid, and all parameters at 85% were spot on.

We're getting there .

N234LT at the Teton Aviation Center.

N234LT on the ramp

N234LT 158141 SUGDEN RICHARD G. TA-4F/J under restoration, Driggs Idaho.

N234LT 158141 SUGDEN RICHARD G. TA-4F/J under restoration, front instrument panel.
N234LT 158141 SUGDEN RICHARD G. TA-4F/J under restoration, left instrument panel.
N234LT 158141 SUGDEN RICHARD G. TA-4F/J under restoration, right instrument panel.
N234LT 158141 SUGDEN RICHARD G. TA-4F/J under restoration, new seat in back.
N234LT 158141 SUGDEN RICHARD G. TA-4F/J under restoration, new seat in front.

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