MAG-31, H&MS-31 Aggressors |
Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO).
Courtesy of Randy Toskin" |
Patch No info yet. |
Sources David Weber |
Handle Aggressors Heritage No info yet. |
Home Ports |
Air Wings 1966 - 1989: MCAS Beaufort, S. C. No info yet. |
Aircraft Date Type First Received - - - - - - Type of Aircraft: 17 January 1966 - - Douglas A4D-2 (A-4B) Skyhawk * 1 May 1964- - - - - Douglas A4D-5 (A-4E) Skyhawk * 7 September 1968- - Douglas TA-4F Skyhawk 19 November 1984- - Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk * November 30, 1962 The A4D-2 designation changed to A-4B The A4D-5 designation changed to A-4E For A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to this unit see lower in this page: |
Deployments No info yet |
Commanding Officers No info yet. |
Awards No info yet |
Awards continued No info |
Events November 25, 1978: A Marine TA-4 Skyhawk jet (BuNo 152860) crashed on a routine training mission near the Desert Center, CA, Airport Saturday, but the pilot ejected safely. A spokesman at MCAS Beaufort where the attack jet was based identified the pilot as Capt. Terry Dugan, 27, of Rochester, NY. There was no property damage caused by the crash, which occurred about 1:30 p.m. EST about 70 miles northwest of Yuma, AZ. The State (Columbia, SC), Sunday, 26 November 1978. May 3, 1980: Maj. Carry W. Dudley and Capt. Robert F. Foley of MAG-31 ejected safely when their Marine TA-4P (sic) crashed about 13 miles S of Electra, TX, Saturday. The two crewmen who were enroute from MCAS Yuma, AZ, to MCAS Buford (sic), SC, were first picked up by a farmer and later transported by helicopter to Sheppard AFB. The aircraft was enroute from Yuma, AZ, to its base in SC. The Odessa American, Sunday, 04 May 1980. MAG-31 TA-4F BuNo 154629 was destroyed at Texas after aircraft crashed in rural area during normal flight, 03 May 1980. Crew ejected safely. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. August 23, 1982: Unidentified Marine pilots (S.S. Wade and L.W. Dudley) escaped the crash of their F-4 (sic) jet with only minor bruises when their jet crashed into the Atlantic about 20 miles east of Beaufort between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Monday, A USAF C-141 jet on a routine test flight spotted the wreckage. The Index Journal, Tuesday, 24 August 1982. H&MS-31 TA-4F BuNo 154321 was destroyed at Beaufort when aircraft departed controlled flight during ACM and crashed into sea, 23 August 1982. Aircrew ejected. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. March 17, 1987: Capt. Mike "Martini" Matheney, USMC and LCdr. David A. Kallman, USNR, ejected safely in the warning area SE of NBC and were recovered by SAR Helo when the engine failed during a dissimilar ACM hop vs. a pair of Hornets. From Patrick W. Lappert, MD, 17 March 2016. Unknown crew ejected safely when their Marine jet went down in the Atlantic off the coast of Hilton Head Island Tuesday and were rescued by a helicopter from MCAS Beaufort. Aiken Standard, Aiken, SC, Wednesday, March 18, 1987. MAG-31 TA-4F BuNo 154640 was destroyed at North Atlantic Ocean (above Lat 45 Deg N) when aircraft crashed into water after engine stall. 17 March 1987. Aircrew ejected. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. |
Unit Photos 1974: BuNo 154311, MAG-31 EX-00, on the ramp. 1975: BuNo 154294, EX-01, parked with canopy up. Gary Verver Collection. 1975: BuNo 154639, EX02, parked in the hangar. Gary Verver Collection. JAN-AUG 1976: Right side view of H&MS-31 Aggressors TA-4F BuNo 153527, EX-04, on the ramp with a pair of wing tanks & in flight refueling buddy tank on the centerline next to H&MS-31 TA-4F BuNo 154294. Photo from W. Munzenmaier. 1976: BuNo 154640, EX-03, on the ramp with a camo A Bird in the background. Gary Verver Collection. 1976: BuNo 152860, EX-05, parked with a huffer ready. Gary Verver Collection. 08 Oct 1976: BuNo 154639, EX-02, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. SEP 1977: H&MS-31 TA-4F BuNo 154639, EX-1. Photographer unknown. 1977: HMS-31 Aggressors TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154311, EX-00. Col. W. Shanks, CO, MAG-31. Photographer unknown. 1977: H&MS-31 Skyhawk BuNo 154639, EX-1, parked on the ramp. Unknown photographer via W. Mutza. 24 MAR 1978: H&MS-31 Skyhawk BuNo 154640, EX-0, parked on the ramp. Left side view of H&MS-31 TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154640, EX-0, on the ramp, Kirtland AFB, 24 March 1978. Name on the canopy rail is COL Jake Moore, CO MAG-31. John Sheets. 13 SEP 1978: H&MS-31 154639, location unknown. G.B. Rhodes. MAY 1980: H&MS-31 154629 on the ramp. Photographer & location unknown. OCT81: BuNo 154311, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. 1982-1983: Maintainers - MCAS Beaufort, SC. pose by possibly BuNo 153572, EX-04. Photo courtesy Ralph Eugley. Jun 1983: BuNo 154311, EX-00, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. 1983: BuNo 154311, HMS-31, parked. Gary Verver Collection. 1985: The H&MS-31 AGGRESSORS 14 June 1986: BuNo 154639, EX-01, parked on the ramp with the tail hook down. Photo by D. McGarry, G. Verver collection. 1986 H&MS-31 Skyhawk BuNo 154311, EX-4. Official Marine Corps Photograph. 1986: Three Aggressor Skyhawks in desert sage war paint flying a right eschelon formation. BuNo 154311, EX-4, in the foreground. Official Marine Corps Photograph. 1986: Flight of three MAG 31 aircraft in right eschelon. Lead is a F/A-18 of VMFA-115; number two is a F-4J of VMFA-312 and number 3 is TA-4F BuNo 154311, EX-4, of H&MS-31 OMD. Official Marine Corps Photograph. BuNo.154639, H&MS-31 EX01 TA-4F over Yuma, AZ. in a blue/gray camouflage scheme. Photo provided by Steven A. Apr 1989 BuNo 154337, EX-06, parked on the ramp with a partially dis-assembled tail fin. Gary Verver Collection. Apr 1989: BuNo 154639, EX-01, parked on the ramp with the tail hook down. Names below the canopy rail are LTCOL Crowe MSGT Reynolds. At left is Stinson Model V77 Reliant, former Royal Navy FB605. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 154641, EX-05, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. Off-Duty Info1977-76 Yuma: From my time in HMS-31 1977-78, Sgt J McGifford, Avionics. This picture is of liberty run to North Island while we were providing adversary support in Yuma for the F-4s. Off-Duty Photos No info yet. |
A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to H&MS-31: