Indonesia SkU-12

Indonesia Skadron Udara 12

Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO). See FAQ/Research/Contact link under [SA] in the menu.



Patch courtesty of Bajoe Sjahpoetro


David Weber

David A. Weber

Bajoe Sjahpoetro



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2 MAY 1983: Skadron Udara 12 reformed from a MiG-19 unit.

Home Ports

02 MAY 1983: Skadron Udara 11 at Iswahjudi Airbase, East Java.

07 SEP 1983: Pekanbaru Air Base, Riau Province, central Sumatra.

Air Wings

Until 01 APR 1985 Wing Pertahanan Udara 300 (Air Defense Wing 300)



Date Type First Received - - - - - - Type of Aircraft:

MiG 19

1982: Douglas A-4E Skyhawk (Modified).
The A4D-5 (A-4E) Skyhawk was a follow-on to the A4D-2N (A-4C) and carried many improvements.
Some A-4Es were subsequently retro-fitted with other improvements, including the upper fuselage "hump back" avionics pod.
Indonesia purchased A-4E aircraft from Israel, with Singapore serving as a "broker". When these A-4E a/c came from Israel, they were non-standard Echos due to Israeli modifications. They were equipped with braking chutes, 30MM DEFA cannons, had the dorsal avionic hump installed, had an extended engine exhaust, were equipped with nose wheel steering and their radar removed. They were also equipped with the "minipan Hi-Speed Lo Altitude Panoramic Camera (Type 2-18) which was mounted under the rear fuselage. There was no ADF, just a basic UHF radio. Weapons Systems were minimal.
The TNI-AU is known to have added an ADF and an ARC-182 radio.

1982 SKU-12 a/c = TT-0431 to TT-0446.

17 MAY 1996: Hawk MK109

Date unknown: Hawk Mk209


East Timor

Commanding Officers

Letkol Pnb Irawan Saieh


No info yet

Awards continued

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1982: Sixteen additonal A-4E Aircraft were purchased from the U.S.A. They became operational in 1985 with SKU-12 at Pekanbaru Air Base in Riau Province. Some probably particpated in actions against the "FReTILin" in East Timor and/or "OPM" guerilla operatons in Papua New Guinea.

NOV 1992: Twenty-Eigth Skyhawks are operational in two squadrons, SKU-11 and SKU-12.

07 FEB 1994 to 25 AUG 1995: Eleven surviving SkU-12 Skyhawks were consolidated into SKU-11 at Hasanuddin. SKU-12 moves to flying the Hawk 100 / 200

Unit Photos

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Off-Duty Photos

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